Catching up...

Catching up...


Hey everyone, wanted to check in and say hello... yeah I'm still on the planet. Had a very busy and very rough couple of weeks but... still surviving... not sure if that's a good thing sometimes!

I'm glad you're back. I care about you Jay. I know that you've been venting/hurting a lot. But I also feel that you've learned some things about yourself and your past too.

If you have learned anything useful about your abuse with the help of the good people here at MS? Would care to share that with us? I am interested in what you might have to say in this matter.
Most useful things I've learned from being here...

I'm not alone
It's okay to feel bad about it/show my feelings and emotions.
It's okay to talk about it
I don't have to feel guilty
I don't have to beat myself up
I don't have to apologize for how I feel
I don't have to blame myself

There are just a few.


Those are all crucial things to learn, but don't stop there. We have to learn them, yes, but then we have to believe them.

And then we have to trust them. ;)

Much love,
i have a hard time trusting that what i believe is true,so many things turned out to not be what i believed they were. i believed i could trust people and things to be what they seemed ,but thats not always true.
I agree Shadow.

And how the hell can you ever trust or believe in anything when everything was a lie right from the beginning! My opinion only of course.
