Can't faith in God be the Major factor in healing
I got a e-mail from the only T in my state recommended on this site. He could not recommeded any one down here , but wishes I was up there (About 200 miles away) so he could see me. I am off tomorrow so will make some more calls looking for a group type thing.
I am learning to trust God more in all my circumstances. I know that all the time I was in denial with my Emotional abusive behavior in my marriage I was seperated from God's direction. I pushed my will and refused to acknowledge my abusive/neglected childhood and the fact that it was having an effect on me. I was very self-rightoues. I knew my relationship with God was not right but rationalized my marraige problems were mostly her fault. I find reading the Bible, learning scripture, listening to various preachers on the radio, tapes and reading books has helped a lot. It helps me handle the resentment I had deep inside me and the shame/insecurties I always had. I just don't see much talk about that on here. I know it's common for those abused to feel that either there is no God or why the hell did he let this happen to me.
I told my 12 year old son yesterday about me being sexually abused when I was a young boy. I want to put a testimony type thing on a website he is helping me create. He would see it on there so I figured I would tell him in advance. My wife was opposed to me telling him. I feel she just wants it to be kept a secert( we are seperated). Was I right or wrong?
Sometimes I feel this funk I'm in is mostly because of our seperation if we just reconciled or when we divorce I will be able to move on. Just knowing and honoring the fact of my childhood and not being in denile about it will be 90% of my recovery. I know it's not that easy but you know what I mean? I was pretty bad. Once I spat in her face. Broke things, Basically told/treated her like shit. Thanx for letting me vent. Got a new computer yesterday
I am learning to trust God more in all my circumstances. I know that all the time I was in denial with my Emotional abusive behavior in my marriage I was seperated from God's direction. I pushed my will and refused to acknowledge my abusive/neglected childhood and the fact that it was having an effect on me. I was very self-rightoues. I knew my relationship with God was not right but rationalized my marraige problems were mostly her fault. I find reading the Bible, learning scripture, listening to various preachers on the radio, tapes and reading books has helped a lot. It helps me handle the resentment I had deep inside me and the shame/insecurties I always had. I just don't see much talk about that on here. I know it's common for those abused to feel that either there is no God or why the hell did he let this happen to me.
I told my 12 year old son yesterday about me being sexually abused when I was a young boy. I want to put a testimony type thing on a website he is helping me create. He would see it on there so I figured I would tell him in advance. My wife was opposed to me telling him. I feel she just wants it to be kept a secert( we are seperated). Was I right or wrong?
Sometimes I feel this funk I'm in is mostly because of our seperation if we just reconciled or when we divorce I will be able to move on. Just knowing and honoring the fact of my childhood and not being in denile about it will be 90% of my recovery. I know it's not that easy but you know what I mean? I was pretty bad. Once I spat in her face. Broke things, Basically told/treated her like shit. Thanx for letting me vent. Got a new computer yesterday