Can You Relate to the Movie Goodwillhunting?


I think that was one of the most honest and moving scenes in the film. I bet I have seen that film 5-6 times.

It oversymplifies many areas, but hey, that's Hollywood. Overall I enjoyed it so much and really got a lot out of it.

Much love,

Definitely a good movie, and the scene you mention is great.

All the movies I have seen that touch on abuse oversimplify. One of the better ones, though still Hollywood, was "Antwone Fisher."


Great film. I have it on DVD and have watched it several times, though find it difficult to do because it is so triggering in ways. The "It's not your fault" scene pretty much wilts me.
It has been a long while since I watched 'Goodwill Hunting', but I remember it being a great movie.

Another one, stronger, that I can relate to also has Robin Williams in the lead role-

"Dead Poet's Society"

I can't watch Prince of Tides or Mystic River or American History X. All of them have scenes that trigger anxiety and flashbacks for me.

Milwaukee, WI
yeah, that one part of good will hunting ("it's not your fault") really hit me hard the first time i saw it...and the times i have seen it since. it made my stomach clinch up--i thought it was so hard to watch...because i understood what the matt damon character was feeling...and what he had been through.

I was wondering if you would post on this thread and how the film affected you. I think so many of us would identify with Will.

What's really important though bro, is that we believe the message of that scene: It wasn't our fault. Not ever.

Much love,
Mystic River did get to me a bit, well all of them get to me but I feel a lot of good things most of the time. I do cry through these movies but Mystic river is not one I would watch over and over like Good Will Hunting.

Thanks for the post guys,
The high point of "Good Will Hunting" is of course the "It's not your fault" scene. Will finally admits openly something he knew all along: that he has a huge problem relating to and trusting people. But at the same time he discovers that none of this is his fault. I felt much the same way when I disclosed to my parents last November. We were in the T's office, I had just told them what I could never say in the past, and they were telling me it wasn't my fault and they loved me and believed me. Wow. Talk about an emotional moment!

The problem with that scene is that the need to make a film 2 hours long as opposed to 12 means that the director turns this into the climax of Will's therapy. In a real case it would have been only the beginning. Look at our own cases, and how much work we discover we have to do only after we REALLY believe that the abuse wasn't our fault.

But never mind. I doubt I will ever forget that moment in the film. I haven't seen it since November, but when I do I know I will cry all over again.

Much love,
Your right Larry, my recovery really just started when I realized it was not my fault. I had to go to the place where it happenned and talk to my parents and that took a couple of years and I am still learning things every day.

Thanks for all the post,

I am still learning things every day.
Bingo! That's the problem with the film. Will discovers that it wasn't his fault and then presto chango, all fixed up!!! :D

What's left to do? Nothing. Except drive off into the sunset to go "get the girl". Quintessential Hollywood!

Oh wait a minute! Maybe Robin Williams really is THAT wonderful a T. And here I was thinking he's an actor! Silly me. I wonder what his rates are.

Much love,