Can Mike Lew's Book Help Me?

Can Mike Lew's Book Help Me?


I have been going through a really rough spell the past few weeks. It has been about two and a half months since I finally allowed the reality of incest into my life. I am in a situation now where I cannot afford to go to a therpaist until August or so. My Alanon group is not helping like it used to and has not really helped with the incest issues.


I asked Borders to order a copy of Mike Lew's book for me. It costs about twenty dollars, which is an investment for me right now. I want to know if his book is worth it. Will his book be something helpful to my recovery? I have read through some other books relating to the subject (getting through the day, wounded boys heroic men, mic hunter's book ) but none of them have been helpful to me so far.

What do you think about Victims No Longer?
I haven't ordered the latest up to date version of the book, but the older version of Victims No Longer was special to me. It has so many quotes by people like you and I and it gave me a lot of inspiration. Most books were either too technical or too general or just were too boring for me to read. Some of them were like, oh someone is going to go into all the gory details again which is a big turnoff to me. But this book focused on what was possible and how other survivors are overcoming what lies in front of them. It always has helped me to be able to look out in front of me and see other survivors making it. I think that always gave me a sense of hope that if they could do it, I could to.

i personally gained a lot of insight with victims no longer, and leaping upon mountains. i have also read mic hunter's abused boys. i guess what i gained was insight into how the abuse was affecting my current life. i dont know that in and of themselves they helped with depression. the depression was more going back and dealing with the past and the way i looked at my self and who i was.

if you want to understand the cycle, the books help. on a personal level, maybe not so much.


I spent a lot of time, energy, and money looking for "The Answer Book." Mike Lew hasn't written that one. His books have helped me a great deal, but not in the sense of changing things to something better. They did help me get past denial and understand how normal my reactions were.

There are a lot of good ideas and helpful experience in the books. I would not want to have tried this without them. But reading about recovery and doing it are not the same thing. The Answer Book is no more real than the Magic Pill.


Hi Lupin,

I agree with Joe that the answer book hasn't been written. However, if you want to save a few bucks, go to and order Lew's first edition book there. In my day, it was the only thing around and it help put some cement in a very shaky foundation for me.

For me, it's people I need versus books but that too is a process. Good luck.

Gack! Go through the bookstore here to Amazon. Then MaleSurvivor gets a cut, and you still get whatever discount Amazon has.



Mike Lew's book is very good and really spoke to me. If money is tight, try a used book store. My first therapist loaned me his copy after about the second or third visit and I couldn't put it down. I went to a used bookstore and bought a copy that I still have.

I wish you the best in your journey, take good care of yourself,

my copy lives in the top draw of the desk I'm sat at, it's bent and battered, I've written notes and observations on nearly every page, it's stained with coffee, red wine and tears. If the house catches fire, I'll rescue it.

Will it help you ? well maybe....
As the guys say, it isn't the book of answers, the only person with your answers is YOU, but if you want reassurance and confirmation of your thoughts and fears, then look no further.

I read Victims no Longer just after I started therapy, and long before I found MS, suddenly I had a friend and I knew for certain that I wasn't alone.

It's not always an easy read, but it is worthwhile.
