bye Michigan

bye Michigan
Hi I am moving to Springfield MO on Wed. I have had a really rough 3 years. I met someone, and I am happy her name is Barb. As confused as I was about orientation, I know realize i was right all along. I am stratigh but all the rapes caused me problems. If never raped I would not have struggled.

I have nothing I am leaving with the help of frinds, scared I wont have enough gas, ex wife to be took all money from me. Any support will me reiceved with open arms. Michael joseph is really happy, I cant believe I finnally get to leave this state. I know i have over 50 friends here after 5 years. Please send me messages of support. I love all of you.

Thanks I go to court man and tues
I mean mon and wed and wed I pack a few more things and take my dog and drive 10 hours to MO.
I wish you good luck in your new life, and in your court case.

You deserve some happiness, the last few years have been tough for you I know.
Take care
Michael, hope things are looking up for once.
You getting to know "You", keep the smile, and be strong, you deserve it.

I wish you so much happiness in your new life, :)

take care,


Best of luck to you, my friend.

Take good care of you, drive safely and yes, you have a strong circle of support here.

Wishing you happiness and serenity,

Warm regards,
If you like the Outdoors, there is a Gigantic Bass Pro Shop there in Springfield. Its really a cool place. Its way bigger than the one in Michigan.

Im happy you found happiness & are 'making the move' !!

Wishing you a safe journey, sincerely, Blacken
Good travel my friend

Recovery is day by day but it looks like you are having major step - we all are proud of and support you - stay in touch with your brothers


Take care Micheal.

I hope you great happiness and success in Missouri.

MJ, I am sorry that I did not know about some of the struggles of the past couple of years.

Best of everything in your move, new starts and new friends.

You are moving to a beautiful part of the country, warm people, and usually good weather. The whole thing should be an upward swing for you.

