Brief Memory

Brief Memory


New Registrant
Hi Folks...I'm brand new to this site,but my wife is no stranger to it...I have read none of your posts, but L.(stride) has kept me well informed of what this is all about...I wrote a little story tonite for my own amusement,and she suggested I put it on this site...this is abig big thing for me guys,and if I wasn't drunk I probably wouldn't have done it, but here goes...

Little Harold Hardbottle finally ran out of his house one day. He burst through the screen door and took two jumps down the steps. Mum and Dad were yelling, but not at him, and the closer he got to the gate, the less they seemed to matter.

Out on the sidewalk the games were on--chalk hopscotch squares from the girls down the street, empty now, but full of ants so busy with their empty fury.

"Where shall I go?" Thought little Harold Hardbottle.

And there he stopped.

The sprinklers kept going
The lawnmowers kept mowing
And nobody showed up.
"nobody showed up" for me either, so I kept my secret for 31 years. It did me no good at all, which is why I'm here, why I've been in therapy for many years.

Disclosure, and asking for help, are the hardest things you're ever likely to do, and I wouldn't say to anyone that what comes next is easy either, because it isn't.
But it is worth it. Every bit of hard work, every bit of painfully released emotion becomes one less bit of baggage to carry with us.

I know that like me, you're lucky enough to have some wonderful support as well. And I would say "use that support, involve her in your healing".
It's hard to do I know, we feel as though we're pushing all kinds of crap onto someone we love, but that love is the foundation that will support you.

Take care, and come back as often as you want, there's some great support here as well.
