Brian's story and locating perps

Brian's story and locating perps


I want to thank you for sharing your story in the "survivor's stories" section. I am now seriously considering finding him and holding him accountable for ruining my life.

It's going to be a rather big step for me to contact a lawyer and go about this.

Question for you Brian. Is it entirely up to the detectives in my jusrisdiction to try to get my perp in for questioning the way that you guys did?

I've been doing some soul searching, and I know that I would find a measure of healing in this, my T agrees as well.

I want to find him, I want to know what he's doing , and I want to tell his neighbors all about him.

I had a HUGE advantage in getting the police involved with my case. I had instant credibility because I was detective lieutenant in a fairly large police department in New York. If I had not been a police officer, I know it probably would have been handeled differently (especially 26 years after the fact).

That being said, your first task has to be locating the man who abused you. You have to be 1,000% POSITIVE that you have the right guy. I would then, if I were you, have my attorney (not much but "some credibility") contact the police in the jurisdiction that the perp lives in to tell them of the potential danger that exists today (that a child abuser lives in their jurisdiction that may be abusing children right now). I would advise your attorney to use his contacts to try to identify the best detective to contact - that detective who takes his job VERY seriously and will go above and beyond his normal duties and is not afraid to make waves. Police departments are very political organizations and 90% of cops don't want to make waves within their own departments. If your attorney contacts the "wrong" detective, you will be at a dead end very quickly. To identify the best detective, and your attorney does not have any contacts in the jurisdiction, I would have him call the local rape crisis center and talk to their director and ask for the name of the officer that will be most likely to be effective in this type of situation. The people at rape crisis know who is good and who is not. Another option would be to have your attorney call the county districts attorneys office and ask for names of detectives.

If you read my story closely, you will see that the detective I was working with left the interrogation room twice to tell me that he didn't think he was going to confess. I told the detective to get back in the room and keep talking and that he would confess. If I didn't have that "credibility", the interrogation would have been over.

This should keep you busy for a while. I will see you in chat to continue this conversation if you want.

God Bless,
