Bought a voodoo doll

Bought a voodoo doll


The perv really annoyed me in court, with his request to withdraw his guilty plea!

It's like a pantomime & he thinks he's widow twankey (dressing himself up as one thing, when he's just the opposite). I didn't do it / I did do it / I didn't do it.

Anyway, the other day I found a small joke voodoo doll that has 3 black, and 3 white pins supplied with it! I don't suppose it really works, but I find it very amusing sticking the pins in and imagining that they do hurt!

I only use the 3 black pins, I first stuck one in each shoulder and imagined his arms incapacitiated - you can then imagine where I stuck the 3rd one! Exactly right!

Cheap entertainment, but I recommend it to anyone!

Best wishes ...Rik

Your voodoo dall and as you call it "cheap entertainment" did cause laughter 8 timezones to the west in California.

Thanks my friend for the smile, I needed one. :D

In the immortal words of Larry the Cable Guy...I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

Pins and needles Fun entertainment maybe ad a noose to the doll to complement the pins and needles
i think that is so funny that you bought a voodoo doll! i live in new orleans and have lived here my whole life and voodoo dolls are common here. voodoo is big here in new orleans so everyone uses voodoo dolls...sometimes they work, sometimes they don't! (unless, of course, you get one made by a real voodoo priest or priestess--watch out for those--they are real!).
LOL for sure Rik.

Geez, that's funny. Entertaining too.

Lots of love,

What goes around comes around - that's exactly the phrase that one of my friends uses about the perp!

I believe it too - he made it go around, now he's got it coming around. Well put!

Best wishes...Rik

Almost had coffee through the nose on that one.

Great for you!


I can just hear him telling the judge,

Sorry, Your Honour, (I put the u in Honor to help all us americans hear his accent.) Sorry, Your Honour, I could not make it to court on time today. I seemed to be pinned to the chair in which I was sitting. A pretty nasty affair really.

:) :rolleyes: :D ;) :p :D :D :D


Hmmm. Pin therapy? Too bad you only had three pins.

I shall spend the next ten minutes cleaning the Pepsi off my monitor.
Some posts just make my day! :)

Much love,
that's wonderful, I had to laugh at the vision of you sticking pins in 'him'.

But it's the sort of thing that does us good, so don't knock it. Just buy more f*****g pins!


On face value alone, I found your Post amusing, and profound, all at once.

As a Pagan, I believe in alternative religious practices, Voodoo being one of them.

While I support your method of finding satisfaction against your assailant (sp?), I also feel obliged to say this-

Would you feel the same if you were sticking pins into the Bible?

I have found it VERY wise to take different theological beliefs seriously. For no other reason then that the people who practice them believe in them wholeheartedly.

Sorry. I don't mean to pour cold water on the Post.

Whicker - my post is simply to bring a little light relief to this web site. If I could make the pins work, I would actually be quite happy.

I am not attacking any religion, or theological beliefs, the only thing that I attack are pervs (and I'm doing that through the court system)! I think that I am entightled to a little light relief after 36 and a half years of living with the impact of being abused at 12 years old. I've also been dragged through the justice system for the last 16 and a half months since making my 15 page statement to the police. I still don't know when it will end due to the perv not being able to make his mind up. He goes to court, he's not guilty! He goes to court for trial & changes his mind, he is guilty! He goes to court for sentencing & wants to withdraw the guilty plea! Court again this Friday, will the judge allow the plea witdrawal? Will he refuse the withdrawal? Will the perv change his plea back to guilty? Will he keep changing his mind so that he can plead insanity. Will he say that there can no longer be a fair trial, because the 'victims' have sat near to each other when he appeared to be sentenced, claiming tainted evidence.

I stated that "I don't suppose it really works" - in other words, I have no special powers, or my perv would have died very painfully years ago, merely because of my thoughts about him! There was an instruction book with the doll, that said I need some personal belonging of the perv to make it work - I obviously don't want to get close enough to him to obtain something like that!

I don't have any specific religious beliefs other than that there may be a higher being. I do not doubt that many have beliefs of their own, and they are entitled to their beliefs.

I hope that we all have one common belief here, and that is bringing pervs to justice!

If anyone here wishes to apply their own specific beliefs (religious or not) to eliminating the pervs that have led us all here, then I have no problem with that!

If anyone can find powers that will make the perv change his plea to guilty again this friday, or make the judge deny the withdrawal of his guilty plea - I will quite happily accept that support.

Time to wriggle the pins again I think!

*Sorry for changing a light-hearted post into a serious one.

Best wishes ...Rik