Bought a Suit Today

Bought a Suit Today


My perp is refusing accept a generous plea bargain despite overwhelming evidence against him. Unless his attorneys can convince him to change his mind before the trial this summer it looks like I'm going to have to testify. Even if he did plead I would still insist on making a victim impact statement. My parents decided to buy me a suit from the thrift store so I'll look nice on the wittiness stand.
Bill - do what you can!

It will be very difficult to stand up against him in court, but that may be the only way to ensure he receives a relevant sentence!

Plea bargaining? If they agree to some sort of plea bargain, then they are admitting guilt!

Watch out, there will be all sorts of tricks along the road!

Best wishes...Rik

none of this will be easy, but you will have us all behind you.
Courts are kind towards witnesses like yourself, and will try and not let you get hurt.

If the cops have evidence that he has shared pictures on the net, of you, then he will be hit hard, regardless of what he did to you.

Juries are never on the side of a perp, so a jury trial will always see you as the victim, he will get pounded for what he did.

As in everything, dont expect too much, it can hurt to do that.
You will probably be on a videolink, and not have to face him.

Sorry you have to face him,


I think Ste is so right: none of this will be easy. In fact, it will be frightening and very difficult. Are you talking to your parents about this? I'm sure you have a lot of fears and questions; just get them out and ask for the information you need.

Do you have a liaison person from your social services department? S/he would be able to help you as well. EVERYONE has a responsibility to make sure you feel as safe as possible and have all your questions answered.

And of course keep talking here. We are all with you, but I think you know that.

Much love,

Such a big thing at such a young age. This is a brave, courageous and important event for you. I agree with the others that it might be a bit tough being in that setting but you will have the upper hand with this guy along with your supporters and attorneys to rely on. You won't be alone in this.


Bill, you are so brave in what you are doing. I was still so messed up when I was your age, and had I had an opprtinyty to deal with my abuse the rest of my teen years would have been so much better.

Whichever way things end up turning out for you, I hope you continue to have great strength.
Bill, you are a brave guy and if you testify you have my best wishes.

You should speak to the crown prosecutor or whatever the US equivalent will be (district attorney?) and see if they can put you in touch with the court's Victims' Services group. It's free and they are a great support system for you.

Just want to echo what the others have said. Make good use of your local support whoever they happen to be. We will definitely be sending good thoughts your way. Please don't worry about things alone.

And anyhow, you're going to look really sharp in that suit :) sorry for the reason you have to wear it.

Safe hugs,


Just on a lighter note, is this your first suit? I ask because my son, now 22, doesn't have one yet and is VERY proud of that fact. But so's his old man. I don't think I have worn a suit since I got married 25 years ago! ;)

Much love,
Yeah, it's my first suit. It's kind of a an unwritten rule that everyone at court has to wear a suit. I've never knew that buying one was so complicated. My family didn't have several hundred dollars to spend at department store so we had to shop at the local thrift store. I found a very nice one from the 1980's that fit me perfectly. I look forward to landing a job after college where I need to wear a suit everyday.

That's great. I bet you look fantastic in it. Is your Mom fussing over it? That's what mine used to do. :)

I'm sure you will get that job. You are already showing a lot of the guts and character you need to win through.

Much love,
I worked in an office but never did wear a suit or a tie.
Jeans and T shirt for me.
I have never had a suit since about 14yo.

I would just feel trussed up, or someone I am not, I would much rather be a country warden, or some outside job.

Thats me,
