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first i want to say i think my treatment is working. i was purging my meals once to three times a day almost everyday. i am now down to two days a week and only purging once on those days.

i am starting to undersand that purging meals is a controle thing. i feel like i dont have any controle in my life. dose anyone have this feeling.

the good thing is i know where this feeling came from. it came form the abuse, when i was abused any and all controle was taken from me. i am having to find things that i do have control over. i am finding there are things i control and not even think of it as control, but i do contol those things. but how do i change the feeling is mhy question? can some one help me out it's still hard to ask for help! also when dose it become easyer to ask for help?
I had bulimia though not very severe, I forget how regular it was at its worst a few times a week maybe. For me I think it was about feeling dirty inside and after purging I felt cleaner, that feeling came from the oral abuse. It wasnt about trying to be thin. I guess as you say it was a control thing for me too, the loss of control is such a big part of the abuse. Bulimia was something I did when I wasnt able to deal with how I felt. I decided to stop it with other self destructive behaviours by trying to be come aware of what triggered the desire to do it and to postpone doing it for as long as I could. Over a couple of years I reduced it until I stopped altogether. I very rarely feel the desire to do it now.

It sounds like you are making a lot of progress with it, good for you. I find it very hard to ask for help too, still dont trust easily; I hope it will come with practice.

Blake, I don't know if you saw my post in members or not, but this is exactly what I wrote about last week. I was never bulimic. I was anorexic. I just wouldn't eat it in the first place. It's something that just as much an addiction as drugs or sex or anything else. For me it is about control. It was my way of proving I had control over my own body. Maybe I couldn't control anything else on the planet, but I could control what food went into my body. It was a way of me being better than other men. They eat like pigs and get fat, but I can stop and be thinner than any of them. I can keep looking better as they get fat and ugly.

None of it's true. But it's what I believed. I look back at pictures of myself, and I was a walking skeleton. There wasn't anything sexy about being all bones. It's funny how my mind played tricks on me. But it's still a temptation. I go on a diet with my wife, and I can't get off it. I find myself feeling proud of the fact, too, which just proves it doesn't go away.

What helped me was talk therapy and lots of it for years. Looking at my dad, my uncle, and other men, and seeing that it's not about food. And this belief that I have to look a certain way comes from the abuse--like I could have stopped or controlled it if I had looked a certain way. I felt like certain foods were clean and others were dirty/unclean/whatever, like if I ate a certain thing it was like I'd given in and allowed my body to be dirtied. It's a way of trying to reenact the whole ugly abuse and find some way that we could have said No or some way to have undone the damage, to make ourselves clean again.

I also agree that it comes up most when I'm feeling out of control. Too many people demanding too much of me and asking me to be somebody I'm not. The pressure builds and the old thinking kicks in. I go vegetarian or pull something really big out of my diet, start drinking soy milk or some other crazy thing. I can always tell when I start looking at the Boca burgers again. It doesn't matter what I control, just so long as I control something.

My therapist would say something to me like, Could it be that the way to gain control of our lives is to release control of some things? In other words, am I so busy trying to control things over which I have no control that I'm making myself feel like I can't control anything? When I start feeling out of control, I try to let go of something. I can't control other people or make them change, so let it go. I can't control if my stupid boss does stupid things that cost the company money--cost HIM money--so let it go. I can't control the cat and make it stop ripping the furniture, so I get a lizard instead. I can't be perfect, so let the little things slide. That sort of thing.

Take care of yourself. It was also a way of punishing myself for being such a sick guy. I didn't deserve to eat. The fact is, we'd never treat our own children the way we treat ourselves. Blake deserves to survive and to eat.

I dont think I suffer from bulemia but i do make myself sick every morning, its weird if I do not throw up I dont feel clean somehow, very strange but then I do get a buzz out of being sick, always have done since my drinking days.

I can get addicted to anything ......including being sick

"Lets grab this bull by the horns and swing it about a bit"