blank memory ( possible triggers)
I know enough to know I was sexually abused, but the haziness of my memory causes me as many difficulties as the abuse itself. The original flashback that brought me into therapy, I told myself was only a dream, and like other dreams I managed to forget it. In the dream I am 4 years old, in my bedroom at night, staring intenseley at the orange walls as I feel extreme fear of my uncles presence mixed with a sexual feeling that no 4 year old should feel. This memory jumped into my head a few years ago as clear as day, and then jumped back out. I now know it was no dream, and have been dealing with the memory for a few months. Then just last week another memory emerged. There are 3 tall men with black cat heads. They hover over me like my uncle. In my head I hear them tell me what to do: "turn on your stomach, pull your pants a little bit down, now your underpants, roll over on your back, pull them down again, now all the way," then I black out as it gets sexual. Unlike the first memory which I remember as a dream, this one I remember as a fantasy, but was I really such a sexually advanced kid to be having such fantasies? Why are they black cats? My little league team when I was six was black, we were called the panthers I think. My coach gave away 2 bats at the end of the year. He gave me one, and I wondered why, I wasn't very good at baseball. He felt sorry for me for some reason and I didn't know why. My friend Carey was on the team I think, is that him in the picture. Carey and I acted out this script together in my basement all the time, we both seemed to know it. Was Carey's dad the coach? I have the picture. Both coaches look so familiar but so strangeley distant. I can't remember any of first grade. All of the rest of my memory is just hazy and numb. I want them to come back, but have a hard time looking. There are other things, seemingly less graphic, that I can look at even less: my mother having me give her massages. She's on her stomach but her shirt's off. This doesn't seem right. There are other things I want to see but I look and its black and its frustrating cause it makes everything else in my life black. All smells, colors, and sounds that a child gets to absorb I tuned out. I want these things to return. I want the lights to turn on in the past and present. I suppose when I'm ready they will. Its normally when I stop looking that new pieces of this confusing puzzle form.