This is such a huge barrier for me.
When I was being counseled at the Rape & Sexual Abuse Center in Nashville, TN, they really tried to work with me on this and I would almost get there and then pull back.
I don't know if I've posted this somewhere else on here (if I have, I apologize) but, before the abuse I was a great kid. I was smart, funny, confident, popular, a reall go-getter. If I wanted a lemonade stand I did it. If I wanted to write, direct and star in a school play (2nd grade) I did it. If I wanted to start my own newspaper (4th grade) I did it.
I had no male role model. None. And at 12, when I needed one the most, this guy shows up and starts his grooming. He gains my trust. I swear to God I'm not bragging, but I was always "larger" than the boys I saw in the locker room and this really made me feel different and, well, freakish (if I'd known then what I know now, I'd have been strutting around like a rooster). One day, several months after he'd been baiting me, and after he'd given me my first beer, the conversation turned to sex and I got nervous, and I thought about it, and I thought about it some more, and I finally thought it was safe to talk to someone (HIM) about and so I asked him if it was okay to have a larger penis than other boys. He asked me to show it to him, and of course he said he needed to see it hard to make a determination (fucker) and started manipulating it to get it that way.
I always felt like that's the point where 12 year old me fucked up and I'm pissed as hell at him.
A few years later, when I called him to my house to tell him that I'd read in a book (my mom got me a book on sex ed - at 14 for God's sake) that what he was doing was illegal and that I was thinking of calling the cops, he told me (and these were his final words to me until years later when we bumped into each other), "Well, just remember, you're the one who pulled your dick out first" and I felt 1 inch tall. Now, for 25 years, those words have resonated in my brain.
I've told my wife for years that the abuse wasn't that bad. All I remembered was him fondling us together and a few oral sessions. Four weeks ago, when the flashbacks started, I suddenly remembered anal rape, forced oral, shame. I'm afraid of what's coming on future memories.
So, to try to make a really long post shorter (notice I ramble a lot?), I'm beginning to see that he was a monster, but I still can't seem to relinquish my own responsibility. I have a thirteen year old boy and my wife tells me to look at him and decide if I'd hold him responsible, and of course I wouldn't, but I think I was smarter than him at that age.
How do you get past the blame? I see hope in the fact that some of you have responded that you have gotten past it, but I just seem to be stuck. Especially after these recent flashbacks, I feel like a used piece of garbage, but I still can't shake the feeling that I shouldn't have unzipped my goddamn pants in the first place.
I really, really, appreciate this site.