Big therapy session

Big therapy session


Today was a huge day in therapy. My t, Dave, and I were talking and I told him details of my SA. THis is significant because I have NEVER given details to anyone. I was suprised at what I was letting flow from my mouth. I actually felt better after I told him. THe world did not stop turning, Dave did not recoil in disgust, and I did not die. My biggest fears have been proven false. I am now believing I will be able to heal, and hopefully move on to a fulfilling life filled with much love and happiness!
Thanks for reading,

It will only get easier now, Casey.

You have the power now, brother. They don't anymore.

It's a great feeling, no?

Peace and love, and good job!


That is GRRRREAT! ! !

Let that shit out, it doesn't belong to you.

I have found each time I tell about my SA, it becomes easier. For years I kept it bottled inside, why? It feels so much better let out.

There is no need to fear healing.

Keep up the good work,
Casey - I am so proud of you that you have managed to do that. You will probably experience a whole new range of emotions, but believe me you are walking in the right direction.

Best wishes to you ...Rik

It's amazing what our perceptions were, what we thought others would think or say if they only knew. It kept me silent for years and years. Congratulations! Yes, letting out the secrets is so affirming. Keep up the good work.

I remember doing just that about 6 years ago, it was the hardest thing I ever did I think - after telling my wife !
But what a great feeling when your world doesn't fall apart around you.

It's going to get easier from now on - not easy - but easier, and it's worth it I promise.
