Beyond Betrayal

Beyond Betrayal


I saw on the book shelf Dr. Gardner's new book with subject title.

I only skimmed thru it, I hope it does more than his last books which simply describes symptoms and gives quotes from is patients. I hope it tells us his successess with his patients that resulted in a meaningful psychotherapy. Again I need to read the book.

I don't understand why the publisher decided to use a photograph of him that looks like it is at least 20-30 years old. In present time, Richard looks rather unfortunately worn and old. People reading his book would assume he has been successful himself in his therapy and health and lifestyle and would look good which is why they used the old photo but that is not how he looks in real life which is dissapointing and somewhat dishonest.

I skipped to the back and saw his list of nutrients to take, maybe he should have taken them!? Anyway that list of nutrients anyone can take for any problem.

Alright, alright I will stop complaining and read the book, hope it is good.
This sounds like a slam against Dr Gartner.
You state that you are a psychiatrist, and I met a few of them, and some are just plain cookie.
Your professional conduct is miserable, that is if you are who you say you are.
I dont know Dr Gartner, and I am sure he has done a lot of good in his career time.
What I do know though, is that you are not a survivor and you did not even take the time to read the disclaimer on the forum.
Maybe he is looking old n stuff, but so do I, and it is probably through meeting people like you.
My nutrients are meds and alcohol, and they dont make me feel any better.
personally, i dont know him. i do know dealing with this place would make anyone old. trying to keep everything solvent and in control, being an activist, and all the while trying to earn a living. it had to be hard, and he has my respect.

i never said i was a psychiatrist and it is not a slam.

why is it that you make an honest observation and someone has to make it into a slam.

your diet is meds and alcohol?

i would have to agree doing the type of work he does is probably exhausting I think-actually I am not sure maybe he feels good about himself afterwards and he is fullfilled in his work.

actually i really don't understand (not a slam) why he does this type of work.
Your comments do not sound like you are a psychologist, like you claim in your profile. I believe you are an imposter and ask you to pm me with your credentials. At least you can spell Richard Gartner's name correctly.
Ken Singer, LCSW
Board Member, MaleSurvivor
Oh, psychologist, now there's a bad word. At least for me. I've met two navy psychologist, and one therapist that specialized in female rape victims. The first psychologist, up on seeing me asked if I was a homosexual,Then if I was suicidally. When I said no, I got stuck with all the sailors that were trying to get out of the navy by acting crazy. The therapist that specialized in female rape victims, diagnosed me as having PTSD, course she only given one, three hour interview with me.
The last psychologist, met me at the door to his office and said I didn't have PTSD from a childhood rape. but I had a drinking problem that was causing my sudden onslaught of poor performance, and he was going to recommend a admin discharge from the navy! Navy psychologist, lazy no good f@#k's! Sorry Ken, I don't mean you!
Observer, dont know what that is an anagram of.
I only know one thing tho, you are an imposter and if I guessed a little further, then I would say you are a woman.
Its called intuition, but it takes many years to learn, and you cant find it in books either.
That is, until the book is written.
Where do you find "that" book? Keep searching, but you can never find it through the fog.
When you do indeed find that very book.
Then maybe you dont need it so much as you might have done when you really needed it so much.
Yeah, its a slam, and it is you who states that you are a psychologist, in your profile.
Yeah, first thing I check before I post a reply.
My book is on my computer, and it gets bigger every day. Wanna read it? Nah.

"why he does this type of work"?
Maybe you ask him, and not ask on a public forum.

Observation, is never the same as participation, to listen and to care are key values, not lies and deceit.

Not here.
You sound like you are doing rude book report. Who cares of what someone look like? I am greatful that people work for this site, to keep it here. Maybe you need to observe more and speak less.

Thank you all for defending my right to look worn and old, and the need to look at whether Beyond Betrayal is helpful rather than judge anyone by his looks.

Still, I must defend my publisher's honesty. The picture on the book jacket was taken in December, 2004.

So now maybe my books can be judged on their merits?

Richard Gartner, Ph.D.
Former Board member & Past President, MaleSurvivor
Author, Beyond Betrayal and Betrayed as Boys
I havnt had a chance to read your newest. But your older one helped me more then words could ever say. It helped me see I wasnt alone. And it gave me hope that I could over come my past. So please keep writing, keep giving a voice to men everywhere, keep showing us there is hope to move beyond our past. ^5's for you and the hard work you do.

Dr. G,

good to hear from you, I am reading your book and I like especially your description of how people handle their experiences from the abuse, I could relate to it and look forward to continue to read and learn more. You are providing some missing answers for me and some accidental insights.

Thanks for not jumping all over me and calling me an imposter or demanding credentials, I appreciate your professional balanced posting and feel inspired to continue reading your book.
There is an old saying that say dont ever judge a book by its cover.

thanks for the advice I will try to follow it however part of being an observer is to listen so that is what I am doing.

Dr G, I saw you in person one time and you really didn't look like your photo I thought, however since it is 2004 whatever you have done is FANTASTIC!! I could use the same thing! Your photo looks like someone who is about 45, amazing, really. You look great.

You are right you can't judge a book by its cover and if one looks old and worn that is no reflection on the book which I am reading and enjoying. thanks
Those who have been around the Discussion Forum for a while may remember that I was out of commission for three months in 2003 because of back surgery that turned out to be very successful. I had been in pain for thirteen years, but have been virtually pain-free since the surgery. Many have since told me that my back pain had been visible on my face and that being without pain has positively affected how I look. For all this, I thank my doctors. (Of course, having a talented photographer helps as well!)

I hope that most people who read my books feel some greater clarity about their own lives.

Richard Gartner
Dr. Gartner,

Good to hear about your successful back surgery and I could see how that would change your appearance dramatically, how you could tolerate that for 13 years is amazing.

I also have a back problem but probably not as severe as your's was. Did you find that buying a new mattress like the Swedish ones are helpful?

Anyway best of luck with your new back and I will get back to your book.