Bedwetting - so much shame so little time

Bedwetting - so much shame so little time
I once had a dream where I dreamed that I was standing in front of the toilet and then I let it go, and then I woke-up all wet. And another time I had a similar dream in my freshman year in college and I woke-up my roommate when I pissed in the trash can. I was pretty sauced when it happened though. He thought that it was funny.

When I was much younger I was very afraid of public bathrooms and as a result I soiled my pants several times around 2nd or 3rd grade, something that my dad was quick to spank me for. And since my parents did not believe in going to doctors, no doctor was ever able to discover that symptom and do any further investigating.

It wasn't until my time in recovery that I found out that my fear of public bathrooms and my soiling myself was related to my abuse. Thanks dad for your understanding and support!!! Not.

endlessjourney said:
If you look up (google) thumb sucking past infancy, there are many articles about how it could and probably is a sign of childhood abuse whether it be CSA or not.


I actually asked for and got a babies dummy (pacifier) for christmas when i was 8yrs old. I hadn't been a thumb sucker and had never really been one to like dummies in the past- but strangely i was allowed one anyway. For some reason i really felt like i needed it, i guess i thought it offered me some kind of protection. Also for the comfort that it offered. He gave me one, and it did help a little to be able to have that at night, but it didn't stop the abuse. I guess partly it seemed that if i had a dummy in my mouth that my mouth was protected from having anything else put in it but it didn't help.
I don't ever remember wetting the bed every night, but I definitely was a periodic bed wetter into my late teens. I actually blamed it on my dog several times.

King Tut brought up an interesting point. Ever since I was little and too this day, I always chew on anything plastic or rubber. My mom always used to yell and say I had pica, but I don't actually eat it, usually just chew on it. Its not really associated with any emotion, its just a subconscious thing. Just out of curiosity, do you guys think its abuse related. I never really made the connection until reading about the thumb sucking.
It's definitely comfort, maybe abuse related, i chew on the lid of my pen, even when i don't have a pen i sometimes take my pen lid out with me, none of my pens have lids because of it.
I haven't wet the bed in a while...but I am 17. Its very embarassing and happens usually after a very bad dream.
I chew my finger nails all the way down to about as far as it possible. Sometimes it hurts pretty bad, but I can't stop.

Heck, sometimes they bleed to boot!
I'll 2nd chewing the ink pen tops. Along with chewing the dead skin off of my lips. Fingernails? Si Senor.
I wet the bed almost every night until I was about 14. I also do the lip thing and bite my nails all the time.

I really, really hated wetting the bed. I really, really hate my dad as well. Because I totally blame him for it.

Have a nice day! :)
I always chew my nails used to chew my nails untill it would hurt as well as the lip thing couldnt leave it alone when i was like in elementary school
Me too... was sexually abused from 5 or 6 until I was 14... by a neighbor (must have been 70+) Tried to tell my parents one night at dinner (I must have been around 7). My did hit me in the face, knocking me out of my chair and chipping one of my front teeth... then forced me to go to the old man and tell him I had lied about him... wet the bed until 12 to 13 I think...
I am really sad for all of us but I gotta say you have no idea how good reading all this has made me feel. I know that sounds selfish but not feeling alone is intoxicating to me.

I need an ice cream.
Freedom49 said:
I am really sad for all of us but I gotta say you have no idea how good reading all this has made me feel. I know that sounds selfish but not feeling alone is intoxicating to me.

I need an ice cream.

That is exactly what I was thinking. It kind of makes me feel good to finally understand why I wet the bed. And that I am not some crazy freak. There is finally an explanation... Only difference is I didn't want ice cream until I read your reply.
I have just finished reading a book where the author is very honest about problems he had.

He wet his bed and also defecated in it every night when he was a kid. He hated it but couldn't stop. His family ridiculed him mercilessly. They said he was too lazy to get up and go to the bathroom (outhouse).

This book tells of his great anger. His mother was a b---h and caused great anger. He's the one who threw down the plates to relieve anger.

He much later had 3 and a half years of psychotherapy which changed his life.

The book is:

The Stump Is On Fire and I'm Naked by J. Donald Oakes.

Amazon dot com has used copies in good condition for 75 cents plus shipping ($4)


pufferfish :whistle:
I was a bed wetter for years, my mom used to make me have a big giant plastic cover when I slept in my bed, it looked like grocery bags, plus I used to sleep with my mom because of my nightmares when I was a kid..and I work her up after I wet the bed...she was always nice about it.
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The bedwetting for me lasted through my teens really. Its really a difficult problem sometimes. I never fully understood why I was a bedwetter untill later. I spent lots of nights waking up cold and wet though and having to try to wash up the best I could before at the sink before I wet off for school in the mornings
I'm 17, and I still have a teddy bear beside me when I sleep. Beat that!
Working at a camp where I wash the bed clothes and bedding of any camper who wets during the night, you'd be surprised how many kids do. Since the schools send the entire class, it is more of a sample of the community. With any school of about 100 kids (12 year olds or around that), you'll have a few that take medication to prevent bed wetting and at least one or two that actually will during a two night stay.

Go figure...