Because I didn't say NO!

Because I didn't say NO!


Because I didn't say no.

Tonight I finally got up the courage {balls} to do something that I have been thinking about doing for about three weeks. I have talked it over with my T and also with my attorney. I had a meeting tonight and after I got home I needed to make a call to one of my customers. She is a physician in the office I go to for my primary medical care. She is also a good friend of the family. I had talked with her about the S A because I knew that being in the same office, there was a chance that she could treat me as a patient and read about the S A in my medical history.

Anyway, Amy had called because she and her husband need me to do some work for them but it needs to be done by May 15th. Their son graduates from high school and they want me to do some landscaping work for them. I didn't tell her that there is a good chance that NO landscaping contractor can get the work done by the deadline but I knew that I couldn't. There are several reasons but one of the reasons is that I will be attending the Male survivor retreat in Chicago in April. The other reason is that the ground usually isn't thawed until the 15th to the end of April.

Now that the preliminary stuff is out of the way, I told Amy that I belong to Male Survivor and about the retreat. She knew about my second sexual assault with the minister at the church ( Dr. Laughlin) but she didn't know about the first one. The first one was with Ted a local opthamologist. I told Amy about the Rape. Amy knows Ted. She didn't even doubt what Ted had done to me. She was so supportive of me and what I had gone through that I felt that I finally had what I needed to do what I had been contemplating doing for the last three weeks. Calling the Cheyenne Police and filing a Police report against Ted.

I picked up the phone and called. I referenced the case # for Dr. Laughlin's case and told the dispacher that I had made a reference in that report to the incident with Ted. The officer that took that report was on duty, Officer M. but he was out on another call. She would have him call me as soon as he was done with the call. I tried to watch some T V but found my self nerveously pacing my house.

About 15 minutes later the phone rang. I was Officer M. I "refreshed" his memory of the report of the S A with Dr. Laughlin at the church and told him that in that report I had made a reference to Ted. He told me that he would go and look up the case and call me back.

I went back to pacing the floor ( house). Again, 15 minutes later the phone rang. He told me that in the report that he filed there was no mention of Ted but that they would be separate cases any way. He asked me to tell him about the incident with Ted.

I started by explaining the relationship with Ted. That he was a family frined and attended the same church. Officer M. was on his cell phone so he told me not to give out any names. I told Officer M. about an incident when I was coming out of choir practice at the church and Ted cornered me and groped me. Then I told Officer M. about the Actual rape.

I started by telling Officer M what I do for a living. I felt that I needed to explain why I went over to Ted's house and why I went to the basement with Ted. I told officer M. that Ted needed some work done on his sprinkler system and had called me to give him an estimate. I explained how Ted had on a very skimpy pair of gym shorts and exposed himself during the first part of the estimate. I told Officer M. that when we went down to the basement that was when Ted Raped me. Ted exposed himself to me again. Then he started masturbating. I tried to look away and ignore him. Then, very suddenly, Ted grabed the top button of my 501's ( I didn't have a belt on) and ripped my pants off of me and started performing oral sex on me. I explained how I have read information on S A and that it is normal for the victim to become aroused and ejaculate during a sexual assault. I then told officer M. that I grabed my pants and ran out of the house. I think I finished dressing myself in my car. I just had to get out of there as soon as I could.

Officer M put me on hold. I was shaking so bad and I was almost in tears so I appreciated the break. When Officer M came back on the phone he asked me if I, at any time, had said NO to Ted. I told him I didn't remember. I just have the three images (recurring flashbacks) of the three incidents with Ted. Officer M said O K there was a third.

Actually, in an indirect way I did tell Ted NO. I never got back to Ted with an estimate. He called my parents house and asked to speak with me. He knew that I would have to give him an answer. He told me that if I slept with him the job was mine. I had to give him and estimate for the work so I made it outrageously high by $1,500.00. He called my parents house and yelled and screamed obcinities at me telling me that because he was a Doctor that I was trying to screw him. No Ted it was you who was trying to screw me.

I had remembered what officer M had said about him being on a cell phone so I was trying not to say too much "revealing" information. I told officer M that there was a third incident in Ted's office. I also told him that Ted had been charged with a similar charge in relation to another patient. The other patient was a 13 year old boy that had pressed charges against Ted for doing the same thing during an exam (Whoops. I had let it slip that Ted was a medical professional). I decided that I would give out a little more information. I told Officer M that Ted was an opthomologist and that during an eye exam how Ted had fondeled me during the part of the exam when you put your chin on the chin rest and look into the bright light.

Again, officer M asked me if I said no. I told officer M that there was a waiting room full of patients and I didn't want to make a scene. I didn't want to run the risk of Ted turning the tables and saying that I was the one that had instigated the sexual contact. Officer M said that really there was nothing that the police could do. He also explained that there are different " rules" that they go by in relation to a child sexual assault and an adult sexual assault.

Ted is a FUCKING sexual preditor. He has/had other victims but the police can't /won't do anything about it. Officer M did say that even if they did charge Ted in the office incident that it was only a misdemenor. And he said that from previous experience that without the victim saying no the defence would say it was consentual. Even if I did say no what good would it do? Ted would lie in court and say that it was consensual

Because I didn't say no, the Cheyenne police will not even take a report. Because I didn't say no, that says that what Ted did to me was consensual. Because I didn't say no that probably gave Dr. Laughlin the indication that it was O K for him to Rape me too. Because I wanted it to happen I was some kind of SLUT that would let anyone have their way with me.

I told officer M about how we here at Male survivor distinguish the difference between a victim and a survivor. A victim is a statistic. A survivor is a fighter. It seemed he didn't even care if I became another victim. Why the FUCK even bother.

I will admit that becoming a victim has crossed my mind tonight. But that would not accomplish what I want to do. I want to expose all three of my perps and I want to expose the system that is broken.

While this is a long post I do have an idea. Ted's son is also an Opthomologit here in town. I think I will print out a copy of this and send it to him telling his son the hell that his father has put me through in my life.

Ted's son lives in a big fancy house on "Daddy Big Bucks Lane" and Ted lives in a condo on "Retired Rich Bitch Lane". The family are very prominent in the community donating to the Symphony, Little Theater and other civic organizations. Maybe the people of Cheyenne should know "the rest of the story" behind this " wonderful" man. I would not blackmail them. That is not what this is about. Getting every sexual preditor put where they belong . Where they cannot hurt another person .. that is what this is all about.

It is 1:45 in the morning. I need to try to get some sleep. I will take me meds and try to sleep. Hopefully it will not be another nightmare of Ted or Dr. Laughlin raping me.

Thanks for all the support that I get here at Male Survivor,

John: This is terrific. Regardless of what the f**king police do you took matters into your own hand. I think that it is a very good idea that your write to his son and let him know what a perverted son of a bitch his father is. Consensual my ass. I wonder how the police officers would feel about that if it had happened to him. Your post got me thinking. Sometimes I do do that. If he did it to you and at least one other boy you are aware of there is I bet a lot more. Your idea of the letter is good. Have you ever thought about going to the media. They will check it out and have far better resources to do it than you and I do. You could be the fuse that breaks the whole sorry mess wide open. I know John that your are courageous. If you do decide to do this you must consider the notoriety that will follow. The question I think you should ask yourself is " Do I really give a shit if my church, my family or the community is horrified by the truth. I would not hesitate were I in your shoes except that I am not sure I could stand the attention that would be focused on me. But there may be a way of keeping your identity secret. I am so glad my brother that you are taking control of your future.
When Officer M came back on the phone he asked me if I, at any time, had said NO to Ted. I told him I didn't remember. I just have the three images (recurring flashbacks) of the three incidents with Ted. Officer M said O K there was a third.
OK John, you didn't tell him you didn't say no, you told him you couldn't remember. You could point this out to Officer M or another officer.

Again, officer M asked me if I said no. I told officer M that there was a waiting room full of patients and I didn't want to make a scene. I didn't want to run the risk of Ted turning the tables and saying that I was the one that had instigated the sexual contact. Officer M said that really there was nothing that the police could do.
Again, John, you could point out to Officer M or another officer that this was a perfectly good reason not to say no, and not any kind of permission.

Also, you could tell them you were rightly nervous as hell when you called, and needed to call again when you got your head cleared a bit.

Tell them that when a person is being traumatized especially when its happened before, you like many others freeze up, can't move, can't speak, your mouth gets dry, whatever.

Hell, tell them you did say no! If you don't remember, why assume you didn't? Tell them you remember saying it now. Yes, even it's a lie!
Becuz it isn't. You said it with everything you were able to say it with at the time. And you probably said it a lot more than you remember or even think. Enuf that the

Besides even if it was a lie in some technical sense, what's the greater "wrong," a questionable lie or letting that bastard win, not to mention letting the system go on stomping on you?

Brother, this truly is just my humble opinion, becuz, while my situation is quite different, I haven't yet even begun to do & say the kinds of things you already have. You are incredibly courageous & I'm damned proud of you my friend!

Just hate to see that pervert get away with what he's done & may still be doing, and hate to see the system we depend on fall on it's arse & knock you on your again.

I will admit that becoming a victim has crossed my mind tonight. But that would not accomplish what I want to do. I want to expose all three of my perps and I want to expose the system that is broken.
John, what you are NOT is a victim. What you most definitely ARE is a survivor!

While this is a long post I do have an idea. Ted's son is also an Opthomologit here in town. I think I will print out a copy of this and send it to him telling his son the hell that his father has put me through in my life.
The letter is a great idea, as is Mike's idea of taking it to the media. If Ted is too connected & powerful in Cheyenne, then take it out even further, even the national news if you can.

If you keep screamin they're gonna have to hear you. Others may come forward.

One small voice can say a lot. One loud voice can be heard even more. Then when other voices join the chorus...

...we'll be singing a survivors song of victory!...

...while those
sing the blues!

Thanks friend. I think maybe it's time for me to start tracking down my perps & holding them, and the system, accountable.

And find out what really happened to me, and to my little brother...

And shouting out my story.

We are MEN, hear us roar!

Or maybe we should howl!

Mike, Victor,

Thanks. After reading what you posted I had a few more thing that came to mind about what happened. I don't know if I will go in and edit my post or possibly do another post. What I need to add needs to be added in the body of the original post for it to make sense.

After I tried to sort it all out last night and this morning I did come up with one possible reason why I didn't say/do anything. I am gay and, at the time, I didn't want anyone to find out. Both Ted and Dr. Laughlin knew that I wouldn't tell. Hence, they knew their secret would be safely hidden away.

One small voice can say a lot. One loud voice can be heard even more. Then when other voices join the chorus...

...we'll be singing a survivors song of victory!...
Victor that reminds me of a song that Barry Manilow (or as my best friend used to call him Barely Man-Enough) did called "One Voice". I'll see if I can find the words and post it under Music.

I saw it performed once. It starts with one voice singing acca-pella (my spell checker doesn't do latin) The person is holding one lit candle. A second voice joins in and lights his candle. Then, two more making 4 part harmony. They also light their candles. Then the orchestta joins in. Their music is lit by candle light. Finally, the entire room is singing, they all have thier candles lit and the room is filled with light.

I remember in another post I did, I quoted the bible. Unfortunately, I have never been able to just quote a passage of the bible and say where it is.

For whatever is exposed to the light ..... becomes light
Thanks for all the support I get here,

JOhn. You are one brave man. I can understand that you were hiding the fact that you were gay. What I find intolerable is that they knew it and used it to keep you silent. As you know now that is possibly the mowst despicable thing they could have done. Being gay just made it harder for you to speak out. What a couple of f**kers they are. John I think that Waumei is right. Try it with the police again or better yet the FBI or whatever. It is a federal crime up here. I really think that maybe you ran in to the wrong policemen. But the most important thing in all of this is that you have finally said GOD DAMMIT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. John you are a WINNER and it is a priviledge to call you brother. Ime going to make a new post. It is all about theft. Have a look. Someday my brother I want to shake the hand of a proud MAN ; YOURS
The chorus at my nephew's school sang "One Voice" for their winter concert in December. They had a soloist start and finish the song. It brought tears to my eyes when I heard it.

I've had the lyrics since then and I'm posting them in the music forum for you.

About a letter to the son; I would think twice about sending what will be allegations to a third party. Get legal advice first.

I may have missed something, but is Ted Jr. a perp also? What purpose would a letter like that have?

Just be careful. You don't want to get hit with defamation, slander, and/or libel lawsuits.


P.S. I urge caution because I have learned in the past four months that when it comes to the courts and the law, they are not interested in the Truth, they are interested in proof. If you are starting a civil suit against Ted, that's different, but I don't think a letter to his son is a good way to "go public".

My brother, my hero....

here's a thought, report him to the Board of Licensure for the State....yank his license to practice....that takes away some power? Then his whole world down around his ears, and you never had to sue him? Just thinking out loud. Anytime a medical professional acts unprofessionally, the patient should report the incident I suppose, however there are circumstances under which most would not report for fear of retribution. I can sure relate to your anxiety, you know that. Listen or view the lyrics to the Avril Lavigne tune I posted..."I'm with you" sometimes i feel like that about my brothers here at NOMSV/MS. And know this Chey..."i'm with you"
Thanks for sharing your story here. It lets a lot of people reading your post know that they are not alone in their struggles, especially when they can relate to the same types of experiences.

I want to echo Don's statement concerning legal action and the courts. John, many times in civil actions against tortious defendants, "it's not what happened that counts, but rather what you can prove."

In addition, publication of a letter to third parties that contain defamatory statements can make you liable for a civil suit against you for Defamation, in this case libel. And when it is a defamatory statement which imputes moral turpitude, immoral behavior, or in the case of a woman, unchastity, then it is libel per se, and does not require a show of damages by the plaintiff. Damages are presumed. Be careful here, talk to your attorney, first before mailing accusatory letters which could increase your own liability for harm done to another's reputation!

On the otherhand, I commend you for your courage and your honesty and for coming to terms with the way you were wronged; for facing it; for facing the fact of being abused; and for not succumbing to the usual rationalizations that victims/survivors make, i.e. ..."It must have been something I did that caused this to happen. I must have done something wrong; this never would have happened if I had not done something wrong. It was all my fault..." No, John, it was not your fault, you did not ask to be abused, you did not want to be abused, you were forced against your will. You are right, John, IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT!

However, please be cautious and analyze what your honest deep down motives really are. Is it a desire to put a stop to a repeat sexual abuser? If so, then there are proper ways to handle this and between your attorney and your own research you will find the best way to accomplish this.

On the other hand, if there is a desire to exact your own VENGEANCE here by making a public disclosure of some private facts, then you have to think twice. You have to carefully decide if this is way you wnat to handle it. What about the harm to the reputations of his family, his son practice and what about his son's wife and family, and his own wife, and other siblings and others not directly connected to your victimization? Perhaps that is not such a healthy way to go. What do you think? What ever these personal motives may be, you will need to decide for yourself and with the help of your therapist you can properly analyze what your actual deep down honest motives are.

Remember, when a person undertakes legal action against another it is usually to resolve a dispute between two parties that heretofore has been unresolvable and you are asking the court to intervene and to decide between you. If it is not a tortious harm that you are seeking to redress and be compensated for, but rather a criminal act that harmed you and has potential of bringing harm to others of society, then that needs to be handled by the authorities, a criminal prosecutor who is representing the State or rather all of society against the harm that the defendant is doing and has done to society as a whole. Again, talk to your attorney.

John, I am sorry this post has gotten so long-winded. I don't mean for it to be a detriment to your healing. I only mean to share it with the best of intentions with your best interests in mind, my Brother. Please believe me when I tell you I am here (like we all are) to support you. This is my awkward way of showing you my support, by raising a voice of caution in order to help you avoid further trauma and further abuse at the hands of this pervert - who apparently has the money he needs to hire the best attorneys who can put such a spin on this against you, the victim, that you won't know what hit you; except that I am afraid they will continue to victimize you, and try to wound you mortally by burying you using the court system.

I believe in you, John. I believe your story. You were not at fault. You were wronged, and you were defenseless when it happened. Let us here, help you heal from your hurts and your sorrow, and let us offer you comfort and then the encouragement you need to help you survive the hurts and then help you to get on the road that leads to recovery and full healing.

With the help that you can receive only from yourself and God, your therapist and your attorney, and the support group you have here among men who understand what you've been through and how it hurt you, working together for your best and highest good.

Sorry, John, if this is not helpful to you. I meant it to be, this is just the way it came out. Anyway, I remain a fellow Survivor and your Brother in healing and recovery. Sincerely, Jess.

About a letter to the son; I would think twice about sending what will be allegations to a third party. Get legal advice first.

I may have missed something, but is Ted Jr. a perp also? What purpose would a letter like that have?
You are correct. I will be careful about doing this and will bounce it off of my attorney before I do it.

There was a piece of information that I left out about Ted Jr. ( not his real name) I was talking to a very good friend Gary about the situation with Ted and Dr. Laughlin. Gary told me that Ted Jr. had approached him and told him that his father was a "Very sick man" I think Ted Jr. already knows.

Also, today I got an e-mail from my attorneys paralegal. She attends the same church. I had asked her if she remembered the incident that broke the partnership of Ted's office up. She replied

I too had heard rumors of what had happened at Ted's office. Shortly there after I left his office and went to Dr. ( another doctor in town)

Just be careful. You don't want to get hit with defamation, slander, and/or libel lawsuits.
This was the tactic that the church used to keep me quiet. It took me hiring an attorney ... but we finally have the church's attention.

The process is slow but we are making progress.


here's a thought, report him to the Board of Licensure for the State....yank his license to practice....that takes away some power?
That is a great thought ..... but Ted is retired. I don't think it would do any good.

I do know you are there. Since we are both survivors of clergy abuse we have an invisible bond.

Take care little brother,


Thank you for responding. I looked at your profile to see if I my hunch was correct. Under Occupation it said that you were a grad student. I am guessing in Law. Am I correct? :p

Be careful here, talk to your attorney, first before mailing accusatory letters which could increase your own liability for harm done to another's reputation!
There were rumors about Ted that were floating aroud town and the church 25 years ago. I think that Ted did a "Micheal Jackson" and paid off the victim. But the rumors are still around town. I would just be able to prove it. If there were two victims I am sure there were more.

At the time I wrote this I was angry that I can not get any action taken against a know sexual preditor. Actually, if the laws 20 years ago when this happened were the same as they are now Ted would have had to register.

. I must have done something wrong; this never would have happened if I had not done something wrong. It was all my fault..." No, John, it was not your fault, you did not ask to be abused, you did not want to be abused, you were forced against your will. You are right, John, IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT!
Last night the police officer made me feel that it was my fault. That is why I gave this post the title I did. Because I didn't say no it makes what Dr. Laughlin and Ted did to me in the eyes of the law that I wanted it to happen. I have mentioned in other post but didn't in this post that I was molested by the older neighbor girls that lived accross the alley from me when I was 4 years old. When it happened I froze. I was so in shock that I don't know if I could have screamed out if I tried. ( I have nightmares about this all the time ... I am being attacked by two people and try to scream and now sound comes out. I wake up screaming)

However, please be cautious and analyze what your honest deep down motives really are. Is it a desire to put a stop to a repeat sexual abuser? If so, then there are proper ways to handle this and between your attorney and your own research you will find the best way to accomplish this.
My motive is to get Ted put on the national sex offender registery. He lives within a block of a grade school. He lives within a block of the crosswalk that goes over the innerstate highway. There are young people ( prospective victims) that walk in front of his house every day.

What about the harm to the reputations of his family, his son practice and what about his son's wife and family, and his own wife, ...... ...... help of your therapist you can properly analyze what your actual deep down honest motives are.
Ted's wife died about 8 months ago. I had thought about confronting Ted before .... but I didn't want to hurt his wife. She was a lovely lady. She deserved better than this sleeze. So as for a motive, I do not want to hurt his family. I just want to hurt Ted. Hurt him like he hurt me.

Remember, when a person undertakes legal action against another it is usually to resolve a dispute between two parties that heretofore has been unresolvable and you are asking the court to intervene and to decide between you. If it is not a tortious harm that you are seeking to redress and be compensated for, but rather a criminal act that harmed you and has potential of bringing harm to others of society, then that needs to be handled by the authorities, a criminal prosecutor who is representing the State or rather all of society against the harm that the defendant is doing and has done to society as a whole. Again, talk to your attorney.
What I am seeking is both criminal and civil action to be taken against Ted. you avoid further trauma and further abuse at the hands of this pervert - who apparently has the money he needs to hire the best attorneys.......
That is part of Ted's power, his money

I believe in you, John. I believe your story. ..... .....With the help that you can receive only from yourself and God, your therapist and your attorney, and the support group you have here among men ....
I am glad someone belives my story because the police sure didn't.

That is one of the problems Jess. You are new here. You don't know that I recently lost my insurance coverage and am only able to acquire health insurance throgh a " HIGH RISK" insurance carier. The premiums are $ 575.00 month. with a $1000.00 deductable per callendar year. It will pay $30.00/ visit for a maximum of 30 visits/ year for psychiatric care and will pay a lifetime benefit of a maxium of $500,000.00. My medical bills last year totaled $10,000 in out of pocket expenses and that was with an 80/20 health insurance plan. Most of this money was for care related to the S A's.

Sorry, John, if this is not helpful to you. I meant it to be
Jess it was helpful. I just wish I could see Ted and Dr. Laughlin and my third perpetrator ( Tom) put where the belong.

Thanks for the support,

[bold]I am gay and, at the time, I didn't want anyone to find out.[/bold] Both Ted and Dr. Laughlin knew that I wouldn't tell. Hence, they knew their secret would be safely hidden away.
John, break the secret, bring it out of hiding & tell the police, the SBI, the FBI, whoever you need to tell. I know easy for me to talk...Well, not really...

Victor that reminds me of a song that Barry Manilow (or as my best friend used to call him Barely Man-Enough) did called "One Voice". I'll see if I can find the words and post it under Music.

I saw it performed once. It starts with one voice singing acca-pella (my spell checker doesn't do latin) The person is holding one lit candle. A second voice joins in and lights his candle. Then, two more making 4 part harmony. They also light their candles. Then the orchestta joins in. Their music is lit by candle light. Finally, the entire room is singing, they all have thier candles lit and the room is filled with light.
Wow! I can just see us doing that at a Male Survivors retreat or convention!



John, break the secret, bring it out of hiding & tell the police, the SBI, the FBI, whoever you need to tell. I know easy for me to talk...Well, not really...
Rather than doing what I had suggested earlier sending this to Ted's son I am thinking that I will compose a letter and send a copy of this post to The Chief of Police, and the District Attorney's office. I have already discussed the case against Dr. Laughlin with the District Attorney.

Wow! I can just see us doing that at a Male Survivors retreat or convention!
The way the song was performed is what was so empowering. The symbolism of one candle. That one candle sharing a message ( breaking the silence). Then those two people telling two more. And so on, and so on ...... until finally everyone had been exposed to the light.

Another song that I love is from the musical Ragtime. I don't know how many peple are familiar with the story. There are three families. One very rich and prominent. The second a black family, and the third an imigrant family. The story is of how they are seperate ... yet their lives, by fate, are intertwined.

To get to the point. The black man's car is vandalized. The Fire chief and his "gang" are responsible. The black man goes to the police .... but gets nothing done because he is black. Finally, he decides that to get justice he will take matters into his own hands.

Durring his battle he sings the song. Make them hear you. I have it posted under music.;f=7;t=000208#000000

His circumstances were different ...... but the song is fitting for anyone who has been victimized. One of my favorite lines from it is:

And say to those who blame us
For the way we chose to fight
That sometimes there are battles
Which are more than black or white.

And I could not put down my sword
When Justice was my right.
Make them hear you.
Remember friends, you are not alone in your strugle. Together we can win!

Rather than doing what I had suggested earlier sending this to Ted's son I am thinking that I will compose a letter and send a copy of this post to The Chief of Police, and the District Attorney's office. I have already discussed the case against Dr. Laughlin with the District Attorney.
John, WTG bro! Make them hear you!
I really feel like the system has let me down. Not only did the cop not take my report on Wednesday night, the cop made me feel like I wanted Ted. :eek: Just because I am gay does not mean that I want to sleep with every guy I see. I have my standards and Ted is far from them. Always has been always will be.

Today, I ran into Ted again. "Seeing Ted"

Lately it seems like every place I go ( the theater, the symohony, a reception) Ted is there. I feel like I am powerless against Ted. I can't get him out of my life.

If nothing else I would like to be able to get a restraining order against Ted and have it read "that if we are in the same end up in the same place ..... he must leave'. He has already taken the enjoyment out of my life. I would rather have him be the one sitting at home because he might run into me, rather than it being the other way around.

As I say in the "seeing Ted" post. I am going to talk to the district attorney on Monday and see what can be done.

John, I can't imagine what it would be like to have to see your perp in so many places. Lucky the folks in Wyoming don't still have pistols in their holsters and spurs on their boots.

He can't be allowed to ruin your life this way. There must be some way to stop it--it is almost like he is stalking you--except it is accidental, or I imagine it is!

From your posts and regardless what happened to you by leaders in your church you indicate that you still believe in the teachings that that you continued to go to church. Thank MY BROTHER is a right guaranteed both in your constitution and here by The Freedom of Rigths. Seeing TED there must be an awful experience. Now I am not a therapist and god knows I have enough scars and hangups and missed opportunities but I know have a take on life that says "I will not let those perps and paying customers keep me fron the things I enjoy" Think of this in another ligtht. The Prick is forcing you to avoid some of the more meaningful thngs in your life Now think of it another way. Indirectly he is still controlling you. God dammit that makes me so effen mad at him. If I were there in your beattiful state with you I would consider it an honour to share the places that have real meaning to you. But I am a few thousand miles from where you live. But I can still feel the frustration and seething inside of you. Brother of mine you have enough guts and determination to win a war. Ponder the thing about winners and losers. IT, as others have stated, must be very traumatic to run into him wherever you go. Remeber about winning and losing. You can't let that f**kin pervert win.
I have watched from afar in the past few weeks we have know each other and it makes me feel great about how you are wrapping your arms around life. Take a chance John. Grab life by the BALLS and hang on for the ride. Dont let anyone or anything push those damned buttons that we all have. I am rooting in your corner John.