Bathing and sleeping with a child?
I received a request via the listserv for professionals who treat sexual abusers about a court case he is involved with. I offered to post this on the MS discussion board to get reactions from survivors who may help educate those who think that bathing with or sharing a bed with a child beyond a certain age is harmless.
Your thoughts? I will forward them to Dr. Renfro.About two years ago there was some discussion on the list-serve about the age
at which it was no longer appropriate for parents to bathe or shower with
their children. While not one of the most intellectually challenging topics, it
did evoke a significant response with clear differences of opinion between
list members who have children and those who do not.
I am now involved in a child custody evaluation where a mother has admitted
bathing with an 8 y/o son and 6 y/o daughter. There are also reports that the
mom, who is now single, sleeps nude in the bed with both children. I have one
data source who claims the son also sleeps nude with mom. I do not believe
this appropriate but I am facing stiff opposition from the mother's attorney who
describes this as "wholesome love."
I would appreciate help from list-serve members with opinions about the
scenario described above. I would like to report to the judge in the case the
opinions and views of a large sample of professionals who work in the field of
evaluating treating sex abuse victims and perpetrators. Any references or studies
addressing this issue would also be greatly appreciated.
Guy Renfro, Ph. D.
Private Practice
Montgomery, AL