Baseball **Possible Trigger**
Hey guys, this is kinda hard for me, but needed to vent it out a little. I am big into baseball, and have been all my life, in fact I played for years, and some major league teams were even after me. But then a couple of years ago, my coach hurt my knee really bad, in fact I still can't run.
I played baseball from the time I was 6, and my coach um abused me in everyway you can think of from then until he hurt my knee. He tied me up from time to time while he um abused me, but one time in Oct. a couple of years ago he tied me wrong or I moved wrong or something, and it destroyed my knee, totally, didn't have surgery on it, but I still have trouble with it all the time. While I was big in baseball, locally I was known as the "Baseball Golden Boy" and was always in the press, but after my knee was hurt I became a big joke, in fact last weekend was the anniversary of when my knee was hurt and they had an article about me in the local paper again "THe Golden Boy is Still Alive??" was the headline, that got to me, but the thing that really killed me was they said I am emotionally unstable and some other things, and a lot of local people believe it and all I get now are these wierd looks, and it is killing me.
I love baseball still, but at times when I watch it, it brings up some really bad memories, in fact I was wathing the World Series game earlier, and caused a rather nasty flashback, I love the game. I hate that my coach took it away from me, I have always loved the game, and I always will, but he stole that from me when I was reaching my peak and nearly got a major league contract. SOrry to rant like this, but watching the game tonight brought everything back up and I just needed to get it out.
I played baseball from the time I was 6, and my coach um abused me in everyway you can think of from then until he hurt my knee. He tied me up from time to time while he um abused me, but one time in Oct. a couple of years ago he tied me wrong or I moved wrong or something, and it destroyed my knee, totally, didn't have surgery on it, but I still have trouble with it all the time. While I was big in baseball, locally I was known as the "Baseball Golden Boy" and was always in the press, but after my knee was hurt I became a big joke, in fact last weekend was the anniversary of when my knee was hurt and they had an article about me in the local paper again "THe Golden Boy is Still Alive??" was the headline, that got to me, but the thing that really killed me was they said I am emotionally unstable and some other things, and a lot of local people believe it and all I get now are these wierd looks, and it is killing me.
I love baseball still, but at times when I watch it, it brings up some really bad memories, in fact I was wathing the World Series game earlier, and caused a rather nasty flashback, I love the game. I hate that my coach took it away from me, I have always loved the game, and I always will, but he stole that from me when I was reaching my peak and nearly got a major league contract. SOrry to rant like this, but watching the game tonight brought everything back up and I just needed to get it out.