bad night last night, helped, didn't help? may trigger

bad night last night, helped, didn't help? may trigger


Been having few bad days, so much panic and freak out feelings, body and mental. And not feeling so good again physically. Late last night, early this morning, whatever, I was talking to friend on the phone, and hear my neighbors. Usually they are quiet, seem very nice and friendly. Well, this is like 4:30 or 5am and they are banging and cursing and screaming at each other. So I go to the window, and it look like someone push someone, and the girl begins to scream a lot 'I didn't, stop it'. So I tell my friend I need call her back. I called police to come, and then gone out there until they get there. I told the girl to come outside, and she did, but he come out too. He pushed at her, and I tell him stop, and tell her to go in my door, so then he hits at me, and I hit him back. He is rather bigger then me, and I am sure I do not do anything to him, but each time he hits me, I hit him back, to point of feeling hurt in my hand and arm. As the police come around the corner, he runs back inside and upstairs and locks some door, and they wait for long time, try to talk with him, then go up and get him out, and take him away. I guess he threw lot of things around in living room downstairs, there is broken things all over. I still do not know now if she will be putting charges on him or not.

Part of me feels good, to help her out. Part of me feels bad, because I 'sink' to his level. Part of me feels good, because I never have hit someone back who is hurting me. Part of me is scared, as it is too much like home, growing up times. Part of me is proud of myself. Part of me is still kind of regretting (and in pain). I am glad that I helped her, and keep her from being hurt more. But it feels strange, to have been part of such situation again. I am not sure what to think, what I think.

Not sure why I am writing this here. Was it right thing to do? or should maybe I just called police and trust them to get there? I feel like somehow I done something wrong again. Don't know.

Back to the void.

you did EXACTLY the right thing as far as I'm concerned. You NEVER sank to his level once.

What you did was right and brave, you are one of the good guys - never lose sight of that.
Many people would have just turned the volume up on the TV so they couldn't hear her screams, and justified their cowardice by kidding themselves that they "didn't hear anything"

You aren't in the void at all, you are leading the way out of it.

Leosha - I think that you helped someone that needed it (even if she covers for him in the long run) - I wish that someone had been there when I needed help at 12!

Best wishes & be good to yourself...Rik

I hope you are damn good and proud of what you did. You stood up to an abuser. You did not take any of his shit. He knows that you can and will hit back. Everyone knows that now. You're getting pretty good at this "standing up to abuser" stuff, do you realize that?

You did absolute good. You offered protection. You delivered. You protected.

I hope your hand and everything heals up quickly.



You came to the defense of someone weaker. That is courageous. You did what had to be done.

How could you sink to his level? He was putting his hands on someone weaker and you jumped to her defense.

How I wish someone had done what you did when I was getting the crap beat out of me as a kid.

Makes you a hero in my book.

But I also understand the fear of it. It triggers memories of the violence in your life. But remember, you were not hurting someone weaker. Which is what happened to you before.


Leshka I say welcome to the NEW MAN. A man who stands for what he believes and a MAN above all else who has self respect and is a role model for us all.

A long time ago, there was a famous incident in New York city. A young woman was raped and murdered on the street, in view of an entire neighborhood, and while everybody heard her screaming for help and more than a few SAW what was going on, nobody did a thing, even to call the police.

I wrote elsewhere that it's the choices we make when God or our inner conscience isn't SCREAMING at us, merely whispering, that define who we are. And, my dear friend, you made a choice that defines you.

Like I said to you earlier in the week, you are a fine, good man. You did the right thing. You did the BRAVE thing. How many people in your neighborhood called the cops? How many even CARED to find out what was going on?

Not many, I'm sad to guess. And I'm even sadder to believe I'm right. You did. THAT'S the measure I look at.

Bravo, my great, good, brother. You did what you NEEDED to do, and THAT matters.

If you need me, I'm here.

Peace and love,
