bad days for therapists???
i know that we all have our bad days -
it seems that therapists do to?? who knew??
hehe -
but seriously my therapist on a day (and in a progression of visits where i am winding down on intensive therapy )- instead of gearing me down - chose a really combative approach to dealing with me -
i argued the points - point per point - but was left with a really bad taste in my mouth -
i really felt he was becoming so emotional and irrational that - there were indeed irrational thoughts on my part - and projections i could not help but be tempted to think:
he is sad that it is ending too -
he will miss me as i know i will miss him?? ( or is that wishful thinking )
or is he wanting to string me along for more money
- which i cannot afford -
i really feel like i have done the work here - and was unfortunately set off so that i could not
discuss rationally my experience of his words or his presentation of his ideas -
plus the ideas were discussed so close to the end of the session - yet another bad choice on his part i might add (dig)that i could not fully respond -
I may seem petty here?? but i am really tired of thinking these men are infallable and they are not-
clearly - i hate though - having to interpret them
- therapists - in way that is seemingly - the benefit of the doubt mentality -
i am just frustrated and angry - and recieve more support from you all than i do from therapists
sometimes - well a lot -
love you all - and thanks for the rant -
it seems that therapists do to?? who knew??
hehe -
but seriously my therapist on a day (and in a progression of visits where i am winding down on intensive therapy )- instead of gearing me down - chose a really combative approach to dealing with me -
i argued the points - point per point - but was left with a really bad taste in my mouth -
i really felt he was becoming so emotional and irrational that - there were indeed irrational thoughts on my part - and projections i could not help but be tempted to think:
he is sad that it is ending too -
he will miss me as i know i will miss him?? ( or is that wishful thinking )
or is he wanting to string me along for more money
- which i cannot afford -
i really feel like i have done the work here - and was unfortunately set off so that i could not
discuss rationally my experience of his words or his presentation of his ideas -
plus the ideas were discussed so close to the end of the session - yet another bad choice on his part i might add (dig)that i could not fully respond -
I may seem petty here?? but i am really tired of thinking these men are infallable and they are not-
clearly - i hate though - having to interpret them
- therapists - in way that is seemingly - the benefit of the doubt mentality -
i am just frustrated and angry - and recieve more support from you all than i do from therapists
sometimes - well a lot -
love you all - and thanks for the rant -