Away because medicine

Away because medicine


I not been here, or in chat room, or even so much on computer at all for few days. I have some medicine change this week, and doctor give me different medicine for being sick in my stomach, and different medicine for pain. I think the pain medicine make me get very strange and stupid. People telling me things I do when after I take the pain medicine, and it sound rather crazy, like I am trying to brush teeth on the cat and other crazy things! I guess when taking those medicines, I don't really think so much of computer I guess. I just wanted say hello, and this week been better then last week some. Thank you.


You have to take care of you first. We will always be here when you need us.

I am glad you feel better than you did last week.

I bet the cat really appreciated that! :p



Glad to hear you're feeling better than last week. I hope you continue feeling better every week from here on.

I was scratched and bitten by a cat last weekend had had to go on antibiotics and get a tetanus shot. Take it from me, leave the cat alone! Especially the teeth!!!!!

If you were able to brush her teeth, please let me know. We took one of the cats to the vet today, and they (cats and vets) are expensive. With all the cats we have, it might save us a tidy sum if you could clean their teeth! :D Do you work with dogs, rabbits, snakes, or lizards?

Seriously, I hope you feel better when you're used to the new medicine, and don't get so "crazy."

And Rich, have I ever mentioned what happened when I picked up the feral cat? I did that exactly once.


Hi Andrei,

I know it must be frustrating to need medicine to help you live through the pain, and then have it backfire on you. Lots of pain medicines do weird things to people's mind. If you don't have to take it don't, unless the doctor wants you to take it every day.

It is good to hear that your treatments are being tolerated better. We will all rejoice with you when the treatments are over.

Peace be with you Andrei.


Take care my brother. It does get frustrating, but you are improving and getting better. Soon you will be out of the woods.

Stand strong and proud,

are you sure it is the medicines? Or one too many falls on your head? ;)

Okay, I won't give any more details of what Percocet does to you! lol But I am glad that at least it does what it is supposed to do, in helping the pain!
