Apology and Promise

Apology and Promise


I know up to this point I haven't posted much, and for that I apologize, I have been to afriad. But I have realized, thanks to a good friend, that I should be brave and work at it, I am still scared, but I promise I will try to post more, and try to help as much as I can.

Scot it is ok to be afraid when you start the journey into freedom. And it is ok to listen and to ask for help. That is what we are all about. When I first came here I was the same. It did not take me long to realize that I had joined a truly remarkable group of men. Men who are considerate, comforting and who all have great shoulders to lean on. And the really neat thing is that we all do it all the time. Lean and offer it comfort and seek it etc etc.
Scott, You haven't posted before but YOU HAVE TAKEN THAT FIRST STEP NOW! I understand how frightening the first of everything is for us survivors AND you have posted. I thank you for that post because now we have another link in our chain of support.

As for sharing, do what you can...trying is what we all do to move ahead helping others while helping our own journey. You may have the key to someone elses question. You are a survivor like we all are and I'm glad you spoke up. Glad to have you on board!!!
