Hear it is 3:45 AM and I cannot sleep . Lately my mind has ben unable to slow down at night so that I can sleep . When I do manage to sleep I have nite mares . My depresion is getting worse by the day . I see a "T" about once a month in Muscogee OK. All that she wants to do is keep increasing my meds .I have ben seeing a T in one form or another for about 20 years This is not working .Because until they walk a mile in my shoes they will neaver understand the life that I have lived
I talked to someone on this list that said there was a groop councling sesion for sexual trama victoms in the Tulsa area . I need info on this Please

Can't help with the Tulsa info, but wanted to offer a thought. I fully understand your point about the T not being someone who's walked in your shoes. I've used my Ts (three over time) for help in working this out, but when I need to connect with someone who really, really understands, I come here. Until you are able to connect with a group of survivors, you may want to lean on all of us here. There's a lot of support available from people who do understand and have walked a mile (or two) in your shoes.


I am not within 5000 miles of Tulsa so I too can offer nothing on that.

If you feel you need more of a survivor's perspective, bear in mind that quite a few Ts are survivors themselves. There is also, as you say yourself, the possibility of group therapy.

Have you shared with your T your feeling that therapy isn't working for you? If not, you might consider this. The T would ask you what you feel is missing or try to work with you on that and then redeirect you to someone else. There different approaches to therapy and of course we are all different people. Perhaps the problem is that you have just not found an approach that rings true for you and allows you to relate to it. In order to be effective a T's approach has to allow us to open up and start talking and trusting again.

But end of the day I sure do agree with you. So many times I find what I need here, with other survivors who know how it feels and with whom I feel safe, understood and accepted.

Much love,
okie...i know the world of sleepless nights...i have not slept correctly for decades.....i'm afraid of my own thoughts when i get into bed...i'm afraid to turn the lights irrational fear of the monster still i guess what i'm saying is that i feel like i know you and we have never met.....can't help you with the group issue...but i totally understand why you are looking....good luck in your search....steve