Hear it is 3:45 AM and I cannot sleep . Lately my mind has ben unable to slow down at night so that I can sleep . When I do manage to sleep I have nite mares . My depresion is getting worse by the day . I see a "T" about once a month in Muscogee OK. All that she wants to do is keep increasing my meds .I have ben seeing a T in one form or another for about 20 years This is not working .Because until they walk a mile in my shoes they will neaver understand the life that I have lived
I talked to someone on this list that said there was a groop councling sesion for sexual trama victoms in the Tulsa area . I need info on this Please
I talked to someone on this list that said there was a groop councling sesion for sexual trama victoms in the Tulsa area . I need info on this Please