


hello everyone:

just want to share with you that it's been ten years since i said the words "i was molested when i was a kid" during a conversation with a friend. although i had never forgotten the experiences, i did keep it to myself for 25 years. the moment i shared that with my friend, my life changed forever - for the best, and during some times, the worse. life has shown me during the past ten years that in order to move on, you have to go back. go back and take all that garbage to the curb. turn all that anger into tears. and remember that there's no timetable. it's all part of your journey. one day at a time.

be well, my brothers.
Glad to see thst things have changed for you. Having to go back and release the pain is so important.
I have only been working on this for 3 years. Keep my pain inside for 40 years so it has been realy hard todeal with all the issues.

I am thankful to all the men here who have helped me on my journey. Wish we had a better way to reach out to all the boys and men that our still hiding in the SILENCE. Tom
Thanks for the inspiration. I was silent for 40 years. Crashed to the surface after an affair. Started recovery 9 months ago. I either feel nothing or overwhelming sesne of filth.

I hope that I can send the same message 10 years from now.
Ric - I hope those are cleansing tears!! Those tears take away the toxins dwelling in the tears of grief. Crying is a way the body expels that emotional energy. For example, a little boy falls off his bike and gets hurt. He wimpers a bit on the way home. When he sees his mom/dad, he grabs his knee and cries profusely. In safety, the boy lets out the "owwy energy".

Congratulations on the ANNIVERSARY guys!! It is really great to hear the recovery stories and people do get better!! What an inspiration!! I'm glad we share and celebrate the good news as well as share the pains and hurts. Keep looking ahead and following your goals!!

Howard's right, they're 'cleansing tears'. Don't fight them, let them flow and take strength from the fact that what you are experiencing is emotion.

Our abusers killed our emotions. Take them back, they were yours all along.
