This comeing Saturday it will be 29 Years sence I was raped . You would think that the memory would fade a little every year . But I can rember every terrable detail . To this day I have trouble at this time of year . I wish that they would invent a mental eraser. So that I could forget .
I suppresed this until 2000. I finaly ended up in a psyc ward with a nervious breakdown. That sucked . I was a Good Automotive Technician until then . Something just snaped . I Know that I havent ben the same sence .
There is no way to close the lid once you open Pandoras Box .
Sorry I am ranting . I am just haveing a hard time today
I hear you.

for what its worth there are several mental erasers available, none I would recommend.

Alcohol and cannabis to name a couple, they only work in the short term. I know I've tried them all.

Thats the thing with a Pandora's box, you never know until its too late.

Peace and I hope you feel more genki soon.

(genki - japanese word for healthy and happy)

my anniversary of a terrible event is tomorrow, but I am determined to get through.

Youre right about opening pandoras box and everything flies out that has been bottled up for years.

Things that I used to do, I find it hard to do these days, but I am fighting it, and you too can do it if you just tell yourself it was not your fault that your life is so f*cked up.

OK, break with tradition, and make saturday a good day, look after yourself and break down the anniversary thing.

I know the mind stores anninversaries, even though we dont know it, they just come back again and again, so turn them into good for once,


I'm so sorry you have to go through this every year. Is there anything you can do to keep yourself occupied on Saturday? It might help if you are distracted by engagement with other things, especially if they are things you enjoy.

And don't worry about ranting. We all need to let out how we feel from time to time.

Much love,