ANGER and Aggression
Mike Church
Hi brothers and sisters: I saw my T today and we went over what happened to me last weekend at the Wedding of my Godson. It was such a happy gathering that there was nothing in it I could relate to. It brought back all the painful memories and that terrified me and put me in a real turmoil. I saw that I should not be a part of this cause I am a fraud being the godfather and that my wife was shortchanged at the altar. This made me really anxious and furious with myself for being a fraud. Then an innocent remark set me off. When I was on the street I used to yell and scream about the pain. Some of that was real and some was imaginery. Mostly real. And I wallowed in it. We worked through it and both decided that Ritalin was not for me regardless of the ADHD. He has given me a prescription for something that will make the world stop spinning out of control and will calm me down until I can cope on my own (whenever that will be). I am to also ween myself of Effexor. Sometimes I feel like a walking prescription. Intellectually I know that what I experienced was all crap but boy did the conditioning ever come into play in a big way. I am not allowed to have fun and be happy and if I do I will set out to destroy it. Talk about being screwed up. At one point this morning before I saw him I considered reenacting my past to gain the pain and humiliation that I was so used to. Thank god I did not. Cause I sure know where to look for it. If I had it would have made the last 6 years of my life useless. I also feel that there is no time for myself. The cars need fixing, the roof leaks, the kitchen cupboards need installing. All trivial little things but they put me in a place where I feel everything and everyone is conspiring to screw me royally.