And you must make a friend of horror.

And you must make a friend of horror.


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Its impossible thru words, to describe, what is, necessary, to those, that do not know, what, horror means. Horror. Horror has a face. And you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. It they are not, then they are enemies. They are truly enemies. -Colonel Kurtz, Apocalypse Now, 1979.
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Not quite sure totally what this means. But yes. Horror has a face, or faces. I see these things movies call 'horror', and it is laughable. Firstly, true horror is NOT entertainment. And secondly, it is not the supernatural or 'boogy monster' we are to fear, but the person next door.

Ya, I'm not quite sure what you're getting at, either. Except to say that it is a frightening subject.
I remember a few of things that really terrorized me. The truly horrible maybe I have trouble remembering...some just scared the shit out of me and I hope never to remember them.
My family had the most violent arguments. I thought that I would be the next kid I would be reading about who had done his family in...that was horror to me.
Putting a child in a situation like that is horror to me. I know that others have lived through much worse, but to me, at the time, there was nothing worse, only the ground opening up and swallowing me.
As uncomfortable as this subject is, it does serve a purpose for us to maybe revisit some of that, to process it, in this, safer environment.

I think I know the subject, it is about forgiving teh beasts who do these things to us.

It is about reliving our lives, and facing the horror over and over again.

About the guilt that we have to live with, from something that was and is not "ours".

It is about all the empty or charged emotions, and feelings of emptiness filling the void of the lives we have lost, and many other things.

Hi, I get nervous around people that argue. Had what Ivanhoe described as horror with family conflict. Every argument felt like it was the end of the world. Now, I tell myself, "its not me. i didnt cause this." over and over, again. That seems to help.
first i must say that this is one of my favorite movies... secondly, this is a great quote.. eerily great. I never picked it out before, but now that i have read it posted here, it has relavance to what we deal with. I agree with what ste posted on the fact that we must deal with the horror and put a face to it. It does drive us to the brink, and just as we are about to fall into a black hole we come to grips with something that has reached out from the horror within. this is the horror that those others do not know, that we cannot relate to the them. but we must put a face to it, both a real face, and also a semblance of a face to that which lives within us. the horror of our emotions, or lack thereof, of our struggle, and the fight to come to grips with why, and why me? we must make a friend of that horror in order to come to grips with the fact the this happened to us, and we must now live with it each day, it must be our friend becasue it resides within, and we must befriend the horror in order to befriend ourselves. for if it continues to be our enemy, we make enemies within our own person, therefore losing the battle to grow, to heal. it drives us to the brink until we may befriend this horror, and begin to work with it rather than against it, and against ourselves.

hope i've made some kinda sense here, sometimes its not so easy to relay the interpretation that i have of something, but i tried. either way thanks for posting this, it really made me think...

Being amongst those that don't entirely grasp the intent of the post, I'll add my thoughts anyways. ;)

The horror exists. That we cannot ignore. We do have to acknowledge it to understand it, to use it as an asset rather than having it take us down. Not necessarily make 'friends' with it.