An introduction.. and triggers

An introduction.. and triggers


This is my first post here.. and though i am unsure why, i feel like telling why i am here, what happened to me, my story.
I've had some time now to heal a little, and i dont know, it just feels right to get it out amongst others who have been down that same dark road and know what it feels like, who can relate.

I was abused by a man who worked at my local school's day care center when i was 8 years old, lured by a promise that he would teach me to play the piano, unfortunately it had to happen behind locked doors, and instead, he raped me in every sence of that word.
This happened 2 or 3 times before i finally found the courrage to tell my parents i nolonger wanted to learn the piano.. though i didn't tell them why.

For 10 years i repressed the memory, and all my dysfunctional behaviour was passed off as signs of my growing depression, and i must have liked it that way for i myself came to forget all about what happened, and lived the lie, untill i turned 18.

One night i was laying awake, unable to sleep, with a horrible feeling welling up inside of me, suddenly i felt dirty and an inescapable urge to take a shower, which i did, but as i was standing there, i kept having a wision of blood running down my legs from my butt, and it slowly started dawning on me why.

Since then i spiraled into insanity, Schizophrenia runs in my family history, and this traumatic event triggered it for me, not only did i have to start dealing with what happened to me, and my depression which i had lived with since the age of 8, i now had to fight the panic attacks and dilusional thoughts, it all came at once, and i broke down, hard.

Since then i was unable to function in any real capacity, and i was quickly unemployed, which lasted for many years, untill recently, at age 23, i was given early retirement, now age 24, i am finally able to function somewhat normally thanks to medication and therapy.. but the scars of the abuse are as deep as ever, and i especially cant function well around other men, large crowds, or in intimate relationships.

My family knows (i told them when i was 19), and have been a great support to me, if not allways able to understand my pain, they have atleast tried their best, and for that i am thankfull, and i've been in therapy for some years, but its allways been hard for me to get anything out of it as i remember so little of my childhood, and what little i do remember is blurred and clouded.
But atleast it did give me some peace of mind that, what i feel, my anger, my confusion, my selfdestructive behaviour and all that, was not unnatural for someone in my disposition.

That, pretty much, is how i ended up here.
I've learned one thing in life, and that is "Empathy belongs to thouse who have known pain", and thats why i am not afraid to speak up here, amongst others who know where im comming from.
Welcome Grobut!

Please realize that you never have to be afraid to post here. Unfortunately, each of us can relate to your pain, although we may be on different levels of healing. Feel free to post as much as you wish. You will get plenty of good, solid advice and most of all, make several friends that you know will not judge you or make you feel ashamed. These guys are truly a godsend for me and many others. You are not alone here.

I have a very special place in my heart for people suffering from schziophrenia and depression. I will pray for your continued success in your young life. Feel free to PM me anytime. I will always respond.
PS: Grobut, I am literate, I just reverse my letters sometimes, such as schziophrenia as opposed to schizophrenia. I'm really not the village idiot.
Heh, no worries Rich, i spell it wrong all the time ;)

And thanks for the welcome.

Welcome. U have gone through a lot and I am glad u found us here. It is a safe and caring place where the guys are very supportive and do not judge.

Welcome :)
Welcome to MS Grobut,

Take your time and browse around the site - it has much to offer...

I am very sorry for what happened to you - but you are not alone anymore - here you will find a group of guys who trully do understand all of what you been through

I kno this place seems scarey at first - but in time you will come to find that there are many new friends to be found here


TJ jeff
I dont know if i'd say its scary, but it definately opened up some old wounds reading what you guys have to say and have been through..

But thats not so bad really, lately i've been too good at pretending nothing ever happened, that im just fine and all is well, but ignoring an obvious problem is no way to heal.

I was directed here by another member here that i know from another forum, and you know, the timing was actually pretty good, because i had just gotten a big slap in the face when i realiced a big dream of mine, which is getting a pilots license, will never come true for me because of my schizophrenia, which i largely owe to that fucking bastard.. so yeah, im definately ready for some support ;)

(n00b!) Good to see you here, I'm sorry you need to come here at all. I can't apologise to you for giving you the link even though it hurts. This place just makes a big difference for me. I spent so many years believeing that nobody at all in the whole wide world could have any idea how bad it felt to be as worthless and damaged as me. but I can see I was wrong now. That can give me some hope also for less isolation. I don't write here much yet. When i found this place I wanted to share the link,I said, my friend needs to know about this site now! But I was scared for ages and kept it to myself for a MONTH. But you got here now, I hope you can find some support here, all the best
Well im glad you pointed me here d9t.

You know, it often scares me how many of us there actually are, have you guys ever walked down a street, and noticed someone that you just knew had a history similar to yours? it happens to me more than i'd like to admit.
i am not sure about what has happening in yout case but in my case this thing is for sure that sexual abuse does not cause schzophrenia period what musdt be happening in your case must ne that u are suffering from dissosiative identity disorder (given the contoversial nature of this disorder with some people denying its very existence)the doctor must have misdiagnized u as schizophrnia which many crap doctors have the tendency to
actually mine has been a similiar case for god knows what fault of mine so that not only do i suffer from Dissosiative Identity Disorder but have a full blown case of Takdive dyskinseia to boot as well my personal advise to u in case ur taking any medication is to immediately stop it