All safe in London?

All safe in London?


Not sure where else to post this, yet I want to know about the safety of our brothers and their circles of families and friends in London this morning.
I hope for the best.
Hello Steve:

Thanks for posting it. I share your concern too. And I hope the moderators leave this in place because we all want to know. All you blokes in the U.K., please post as soon as you can and let us know all is well?

Cheerio, mates!

My family is safe, but it is always sad when these things have to hit anybody.

Thanks for your concern,

I am safe, got stuck on the underground for a while but not near the blasts, all is well with my friends and partner. Too bad and sickening very frightening here this morning.

My heart goes out to all the injured and the friends and families of the deceased.

Thanks we are all ok my family and I as we are about 180 miles from there but as a Londoner I am very sad and pretty angry, especially after the high of winning the Olympics for 2012.

It just goes to show that life can throw any ammount of c*ap at us humans usually instigated by other members of our species, at any time.

Thankyou for asking

My heart is with all of you. I'm glad you're all OK, but it still plants a bit of fear to know it can happen anytime anywhere.

Take care of yourselves, my UK friends.

Good to here you are safe.

My heart and prayers to all those in London.
((( London )))
I live in England, but am about 250 miles away from London (however I only live about 8 miles from Tony Blairs constituancy home). Yesterday everyone was jubilant that we had won the 'contract' for the 2012 olympic games.

Today the terrorists strike - they are just like paedophiles hiding their real faces from the world so that they can do very dark things.

My fear is that they will divide communities by creating a reaction againt muslims. I hope this does not happen, however it's time that our government threw out the preachers of hate that are breeding future terrorists.

*There are known mosques where 'preachers' constantly decry the values of the Western World, whilst not working and living off state provided benefits - in other words we pay them to despise us!

I hope that our brothers in London are safe & that no one else suffers a similar attack.

We used to have some very good methods of dealing with the act of treason - I think we should re-introduce them.

Best wishes ...Rik
Having lived in England (while in the USAF) from 1984-1989, I fell in love with the country and the people.

My heart breaks for all in the UK and London today. My prayers are with you all.
Well I am still alive. I havent Passed over, and i am still very much Rocking!!

Was on a outing with my Yr6 class at the time, and we where traverling by Bus and Train, luckly we where still in walking distance from the school when the police stopped the bus and ask us to look for "Suspect Packages" Thats when we found out what was going on, and the area was swamped with police and everything, so we called it a day! Lets hope it is all good next thursday when we try again!!

Its a good job i dont still work at the school in london, other wise that would have been me on the tube this morning!!

Well maybe we should have touched wood when joking in the staff room about being bombed after winning the olimics...!!

....But either way I dont care much. I feel nothing about either subject. ok it was a horrable thing that happened, lots of people hurt and dead. But I dont feel a thing. Olimipics...Dont real see what everyone is going on about! What is the big fuss??

-The Emotionless-
To our Brothers in the UK,

Know that our thoughts and prayer are with you during this time. It's a shame that events like 9/11 and 7/7 occur. It just shows how many cowards there are in the human race to do something like this to other humans. They say they do these things in the name of God (Allah). Surely there is a special place in Hell for the religious leaders preaching this hate among their flocks.

we've had bombs in this country before, generations before me they lived through the worst Germany could do, they came through it. In my lifetime we've been bombed and terrorised by the IRA and a few others, we'll live through this as well.
Todays atrocities are the worst terrorist attack we've ever had in this country, and at this moment the BBC are showing the regular Thursday night gardening programe. Life goes on.
Some Muslim extremist group nobody has ever heard of has claimed responsibility, but every responsible British Muslim group has been unanimous in it's condemnation of the attack. It's a small minority that can't stand the thought of free speech, free press, free religious choice and democracy. Every Muslim I know works for a living, respects their family, religion and other people - it's what the Koran teaches them. And I will go to my friend Ali's resteraunt tomorrow and share good food, friendship and a common hatred of terrorists.
If they catch them then they will learn how democracy works, they will be allowed lawyers and a fair trial. Try bombing civilians in many Islamic states and see what happens.
Democracy is a wonderful thing, it works. Not perfectly as today has shown, but tomorrow people will go about their business and prove it works.
Thanks for your thoughts today , I appreciate that.

The last year, the person I have grown with died in a terrorist attack, aviation accident in my native land. It - the truth, that it can take place at any time and somewhere. We cannot live in fear, because it - the biggest weapon of terrorism. But always, to hear about new incident or an attack, it is very sad to my heart. I really hope, that anybody from here is not wounded or to lose whom - that, they care about in this attack. My heart - with you.

Thanks for that, what you say is so true.

We can't give in to terrorism, any more than we can give in to the shit our abusers gave us.
We owe it to ourselves to pick ourselves up and carry on, no matter how hard it is. Just like you did when you lost your friend.

A few years ago an Air Canada flight was blown up off the coast of Ireland, no survivors if I remember right.
The next day we were booked on the same flight from Toronto to London, and we flew it.
Scared, hell yes we were scared. But what's the alternative? Give in? never!


I'm glad for all who made it okay, and including all who were killed, injured, or have lost loved ones in these terrible attacks.

When will these cowards learn their causes, whatever they are, will NEVER be served by these crimes, but will only make things worse for themselves and THEIR families?

I wait still.

