we've had bombs in this country before, generations before me they lived through the worst Germany could do, they came through it. In my lifetime we've been bombed and terrorised by the IRA and a few others, we'll live through this as well.
Todays atrocities are the worst terrorist attack we've ever had in this country, and at this moment the BBC are showing the regular Thursday night gardening programe. Life goes on.
Some Muslim extremist group nobody has ever heard of has claimed responsibility, but every responsible British Muslim group has been unanimous in it's condemnation of the attack. It's a small minority that can't stand the thought of free speech, free press, free religious choice and democracy. Every Muslim I know works for a living, respects their family, religion and other people - it's what the Koran teaches them. And I will go to my friend Ali's resteraunt tomorrow and share good food, friendship and a common hatred of terrorists.
If they catch them then they will learn how democracy works, they will be allowed lawyers and a fair trial. Try bombing civilians in many Islamic states and see what happens.
Democracy is a wonderful thing, it works. Not perfectly as today has shown, but tomorrow people will go about their business and prove it works.
Thanks for your thoughts today , I appreciate that.