All alone
I do feel what was taken from me was special.This abuser who I can call him now,reduced me to a guilty,ashamed boy. Yes,the physical pain,bleeding,and everything else taht happened on that horrible daychanged me in a way I still don't understand.My sister gave me a series of photos that were taken of me that summer. The one that I think was taken of me before school started again shows unsmiling,almost lost looking boy,who almost it seems is very uncomfortable about having his picture taken. I had not taken that photo out till this year. All that summer seems lost in one way.That "man" if I can call him that left me a few parting shots before he left.Are you OK Kieran?,heres some money for school.It was a lot I think $50.00 dollars.Its our secret (I think he called me"buddy".)I wasn't his buddy and I was so scared about someone especially my parents finding out I had it.How was I going to expain this? There's more if you want it,maybe next time he said .My first year at Junior High wasn't good. I started getting into trouble,late for class,smoking,swearing etc.I started bring home soft porno magazines,Playboys and hid them under my mattress. My mom found them and things got worse.It was a rough few years.Not your model "Leave it to Beaver" relationship with my folks.I had linked up with some other guys who were even worse than me.We broke into a garage,got caught. My Dad could not believe what I was doing.We lived in a small town and my Dad knew one of the police officers.I got let off,but I wasn't even grateful.I could tell my mom and dad were going through hell,my sisters thought I was crazy!Then Uncle Will showed up!My Dad still went out with him golfing and fishing,but because he lived quite a distance away he never actually came to our house.I had just turned 15 and whwn he arrived I remember taking off and staying out till almost midnight,when he left. That bastard had come after me again I knew! He kind of drifted away after that,I never saw him again. We still got Christmas cards from him from time to time,but I had cleaned up my act a little and joined the army as soon as they would take me.My Dad died late into his early eighties,and I received a letter when I was overseas that following year that"Uncle Will" had "passed away" as my Mom put it!All these years it has been my secret,hidden away so deep,I could not bring myself to even admit to myself.Now at this stage in my life I am so angry but still ashamed of what happened that summer,I was only 12 years old dammit!!!He took that from me! I wish he was still alive today, I would go up to him and do something I would probably regret!That wouldn't be the way to end it though would it? Like I have heard so many of you guys say to confront my abuser.How?He's dead!! I need your help guys,I have to talk to my partner about this soon and I don't know what to say or do.This is going to be something I have dreaded for so long.Telling it to you guys is one thing,but telling someone you love,is another.What will she do ,how will she react?