Alc/Drug Abuse, Sickness and Healing

Alc/Drug Abuse, Sickness and Healing


My bottom line here is getting feedback from Pot Stoners/Users, Alcoholics or perhaps other substance Abusers, about how to replace the High with a natural high, or at least kill the pain of flashbacks, PTSD, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/CFS or just plain ol blues. Or at least to just share the pains and durations of sobering up...

Well, I:m sick again, I have had this repiratory infection ever since Jr. High when the Abuse stopped and I started repressing the memories. Regrettably the Healing Process seems to have made things worse! I:ve been clean of Pot and Red Wine for a year now, but not by choice - I was coughing up soot, getting/have asthma and generally only able to stay stoned for 20 minutes, alcohol I used at the end cos the Pot stopped working.

I suppose one could say I:m only at 1 year of Healing since sobering up, although my Confrotation and healing process begin in earnest 3 years prior to my forced quitting of Pot (4 years ago now).

For 8 years of San Franciso (Escape From LA!) I received Elavil/Amitriptylyne prescription and was able to wake up without CFS/headaches for the first time in 10 years. Issues remained, but I smoked daily and had the highest quality of living ever...rarely sick, was able to be productive/focused and dare I say it, happy, for the duration of the high and next couple days. Yes, I recognized Big Picture things were not being dealt with, but at least I could enjoy being alive every day. While life was still graded on quality re: *How not-terrible* life is vs. *How good* it is, at least I was content. It seems trying for Happiness has only left me even lonlier and Help Less.

Now I:ve nothing, I:m constantly fighting off colds, it:s just like LA all over again! I swim to get fit, mostly sleep right, but I suppose my insides just get torn up red over the daily adrenalin bursts...perhaps I should get some Valium?! No magic bullets are available to me do drugs (legal or prescribed) fit into the regimen of anyone out there and how can I get High again (or simply not blood red) without using the greatest drug on earth, Pot? Part of my decision to Recover was also based on wanting to get off Elavil (which was prescribed by an Internist, not a Psyche)and confront the reasons for its need, I didn:t anticipate being overwhelmed by all the Reasons! It really seems to me as though I:m never even going to have a day in peace ever again and I wish I:d taken the blue pill to plug back into the Matrix! Thanks, this is only my 2nd post here, I:ve tried to generalize for public use.
Well, I've been sober 12 years now from pot and cocaine, though cocaine was really my drug of choice. I've never found a high to match it. And I certainly can relate to what you're going through. I remember the way I can be both anxious and bored at the same time, especially if I'm not living fully in recovery.

One thing you might check out is chakra meditation. I know it sounds kind of out there, but I can only report what has happened to me when I use it. The first time was a high like I've never experienced before. After a couple sessions, I dismissed it as just a mind game I was playing on myself. But then I finally returned to meditating as a way of taking care of some of my minor ailments -- allergies, digestion, sleep problems, stress and anxiety. I started it again last night as I've had a nagging foot injury that won't go away.

I honestly don't know how it works, except that it seems to. Take care.
Hi Bryan:

I've been off booze for 16 years now. Still get cravings for "just one" ;)

Six years ago I smoked some crack. Just lasted a weekend, thank God.

A year and a bit ago I quit nicotine for the umpteenth time - until last night when I asked for a smoke during a break on the first night of a survivors' support group.

That was all I needed - oh that and a huge bag of corn chipss! So far, so good today.

I picked up booze, drugs and cigarettes to distract me from the real work. While I need breaks now and then I try to aim to find as many healthy ways to get that break as I can. I couldn't handle "just one" of anything, although I haven't craved another smoke today which is a blessing.

I deserve my health. We all do.


P.S. But, oh, how I would jump at the chance for a cigar right now! ;)