Alarm System

Alarm System
I am currently living in the basement apartment in my parents house (my mother and my stepfather). Anyway, about 3-4 weeks ago, the motion detector in the alarm system went off during the day when no one was home. Police came checked things out, no sign of entry and there was nothing that had fallen over than might have set it off. It happened again in the middle of the night, again false alarm. So we've been turning off the motion detector until the alarm company can come out and check it. Anyway, I didn't perticularly like that idea because I thought it left us vuenerable (it looks like I'm answering my own question), anyway twice now since then I've woken up in the middle of the night thinking that I heard someone upstairs on the main floor of the house. So I'm thinking maybe its my stepfather maybe its not. So I'm in my room listening and fearing that someone might be in the house. Its kept me up for 30-60 minutes both times it happened. I guess I answered my own question it makes me feel vuenerable, that part of the system that supposed to protect me is disabled. I guess I'm wondering if anybody had any similar experiences and could shed some light on the subject.


motion detectors are fickle at the best of times.
It wakes you and you freak out, then you turn it off and still freak out.

The best motion detector is a big dog with big teeth.

I remember how terrifying it can be when not feeling safe at night, but is there any reason for you to think somebody is coming for you?

Sorry, I have not been keeping up with these boards and what is happening.
Ask the alarm guy what he thinks is the best way of using sensors in your rooms,
