Afraid, odd
I think I may have a type of multiple personality and that scares the hell out of me. I mean I don't totally change, but when I have extreme emotions going on, I know what is happening, but I'm not in control, I do things without choosing to, but I know what I am doing, I don't know if that could be a type of multi persons, or maybe just brain going on "auto-pilot" I just don't know, and not knowing scares me almost as much as the possibility. BUt I just realized this, I mean I have always had the extreme emtions no control type thing, but last night I really hurt one of my best friends feelings, and I hate that, I know what happened, but I didn't choose to say it, I wasn't controlling it, I am so afraid of it all right now, and afraid he may not understand. I just neede to get this off my chest, sorry.