Affirmations thread
Hey guys, thought about starting an affirmations page thread. Just share an affirmation that is helping you overcome some aspect of CSA, it can be as deep as the one I am about to share or as simple as "I am a winner". All affirmations welcome. What has helped you is very likley to help others.
As I, ______ ______ have decided to embark on this journey of healing and selfreclaimation, that I keep ever present in front of me that, it is with a view to the future. And that I do not believe in living in the past or staying there, and I refuse to live in the past or stay there, however I must go there. I must go there to reclaim a part of me that remains there, that remains stuck there, broken! A a part that very much has to do with my masculenity, my true identity, with my self dignity, and most importantly my relationship with my creator. So i go there with the goal of reclaiming this precious part of me and integrating it back into my present, in order to secure my future.
As I, ______ ______ have decided to embark on this journey of healing and selfreclaimation, that I keep ever present in front of me that, it is with a view to the future. And that I do not believe in living in the past or staying there, and I refuse to live in the past or stay there, however I must go there. I must go there to reclaim a part of me that remains there, that remains stuck there, broken! A a part that very much has to do with my masculenity, my true identity, with my self dignity, and most importantly my relationship with my creator. So i go there with the goal of reclaiming this precious part of me and integrating it back into my present, in order to secure my future.