Affirmations thread

Affirmations thread
Hey guys, thought about starting an affirmations page thread. Just share an affirmation that is helping you overcome some aspect of CSA, it can be as deep as the one I am about to share or as simple as "I am a winner". All affirmations welcome. What has helped you is very likley to help others.

As I, ______ ______ have decided to embark on this journey of healing and selfreclaimation, that I keep ever present in front of me that, it is with a view to the future. And that I do not believe in living in the past or staying there, and I refuse to live in the past or stay there, however I must go there. I must go there to reclaim a part of me that remains there, that remains stuck there, broken! A a part that very much has to do with my masculenity, my true identity, with my self dignity, and most importantly my relationship with my creator. So i go there with the goal of reclaiming this precious part of me and integrating it back into my present, in order to secure my future.

Occasionally I am reminded of how far I've come. My wife, who is also a survivor of CSA, said it well. She said, I don't know that we ever "get over it", but maybe we eventually get past it. Past it, meaning it's still back there and always will be, but we're not in the middle of it anymore. There were about 10 years there where I was in the middle of it, it fueled and haunted my every waking moment as well as my every nightmare. Today it's not as big. It's smaller. Oh, I'll probably always freak sitting in the waiting room at the dentist's office. I'll probably always feel a little dark inside after my mother calls. But for the most part, life is better. The bad part of life may finally be back there, over my shoulder. I finally have hope.

That's an interesting idea; here is my contribution.

I would like to affirm that recovery is possible, even though I am very far from it. All I can say is that when I came here I thought I was all alone in this mess. I was deeply afraid and distrustful, I felt worthless, unlovable and polluted, and I thought I would probably remain like that for the rest of my life.

I now see myself in an entirely different light. I see myself as a good and decent man, as a worthwhile person with a lot to offer, and most especially, as a guy worthy of love and with a lot of love to give. I see myself stepping into realms of discovery and healing that are very frightening, but frightening because they are new, fulfilling and joyful.

I wish I could do more to convince my brothers of the truths about themselves that I see for me. It is a view from a distance, but real all the same.

Much love,
Here are a few things other people said which helped me out, maybe slightly off topic but if it helps one person its worth it.....

The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein

Don't go through life, GROW through life.
Eric Butterworth

Shoot for the moon.
Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
Les Brown

And this one apllies especially to us guys here at MS!!


Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.
Vista M. Kelly

Peace and Love to you all, lets stick together.....
Originally posted by roadrunner:

I now see myself in an entirely different light. I see myself as a good and decent man, as a worthwhile person with a lot to offer, and most especially, as a guy worthy of love and with a lot of love to give. I see myself stepping into realms of discovery and healing that are very frightening, but frightening because they are new, fulfilling and joyful.
I saw this and started bawling Larry. I had to go in my bedroom so I didn't freak the kids out. This is SO MUCH what I want for myself, but wonder if it can or will ever happen. I am still trapped in the pain, darkness, and loneliness.

Some day... but when? :confused:
And when he died, they wrote on his tombstone:

In the end, he knew who he was,
And he finally understood,
That the shame was not his,
And all his life, he had been good.

Hey, Dad, YOU LOSE!!!!!
I know I'm a better person , then those that abused me.

The next rung in my ladder of life will be much easier....
I am loved, I trust those who demostrate they are trust worthy, everything will be alright, everyday I get closer to my goal of healing, and everyday I learn and grow into a better man because of it.
I stand before you all a stronger man today than ever before in my life. I promise to myself I shall move forward through my past into my present and see my future to reach my salvation. I shall help those who need me to help them see the light at the end of their own tunnels as I have. I DO LOVE MY SELF AND FEEL THE LOVE AROUND ME!
I want to let go thoughts about my incompetence in the life. I know they are temporary, but they are meaning that I can't take control over my life; they're meaning that I am not responsible for my life. However, I KNOW that these feelings are what the legayc of the abuse I have to live with. They are disappointing me very often. I really neeed to get rid of these low-self-esteem thoughts.
Now I am nearly better, I give myself to helping other like me. Those who couldnt help themselves until someone gave them a hand.
Sometime in the last 2 years, I posted here that I had a new tattoo. It's only a small tattoo that completes a larger one that I have. It's a chinese symbol that stands for promise or vow.

The purpose of this tattoo was that I could touch it and say: "I promise myself that I will never let that perv get me so low again".

I have touched that tattoo so many times since - I now believe that it works!

Best wishes...Rik
Is is over your heart???
TNuss - no its on my right arm just above my elbow! I can just fold my arms and touch it automatically, so people don't even know I'm doing it!

Best wishes ....Rik