MaleSurvivor is a 501 (C) (3) organization. As such it cannot be politial in the sense of advocatinbg for a particualr person or political party.
BUT, we, as individuals and not speaking for MS, can advocate all we choose to.
There have been a number of articles lately about movies, news reports or court cases that have raised my blood pressure to the stroke numbers!!!
I believe that it would be very helpful if we who have experienced the horror of sexual betrayal and violence would write letters to the editor or opinion pieces, whenever there is something about male sexual abuse of kids or adults. This can be done even if the piece was not carried in that paper but on the TV or cable CNN etc.
The ordinary person in the USA, at least, is dumb as a stump about the reailty of it happening, the effects of it in all aspects of our life.etc.
The only way ignorance can be turned into knowledge is if we who know about these atrocities stand up and write about it.
I expect that every news paper would print what we have to say without using our names if we would request, or demand that. Papers usually need the writter to indentify him/herself to the editors, but not to the public.
Ignorance about this topic has got to stop!
BUT, we, as individuals and not speaking for MS, can advocate all we choose to.
There have been a number of articles lately about movies, news reports or court cases that have raised my blood pressure to the stroke numbers!!!
I believe that it would be very helpful if we who have experienced the horror of sexual betrayal and violence would write letters to the editor or opinion pieces, whenever there is something about male sexual abuse of kids or adults. This can be done even if the piece was not carried in that paper but on the TV or cable CNN etc.
The ordinary person in the USA, at least, is dumb as a stump about the reailty of it happening, the effects of it in all aspects of our life.etc.
The only way ignorance can be turned into knowledge is if we who know about these atrocities stand up and write about it.
I expect that every news paper would print what we have to say without using our names if we would request, or demand that. Papers usually need the writter to indentify him/herself to the editors, but not to the public.
Ignorance about this topic has got to stop!