Admission of me
I just needed to say this, I think. There is so much posted here by so many people, and so much pain and emotions put into what is written. I need to confess, I can not often read full posts here. I go at another forum, one that is 'mixed' with males and females, although honest, there is just me and one other male who post regular. I come here, because I know that there is more understanding of male survivor issues. But, this is embarassing some, there is more warning of the sensitive 'triggers' there, to warn of post contents. Here, it is much more open, which can be good thing, but it sometimes is more scary at me, because the language is not so gentle, and there is more graphic descriptions of things, without warning. This is not to admonish of anything, that is not my intent. I just feel something as a wimp, because I can not handle such details so openly usual. And because of that, I can often not fully read posts or even responses. So I feel I fail some at here, that i can not be so much supportive or understanding of situations as I wish to be. I hope that this does not make me less useful here, or less trusted here. I just felt i needed to say this, because it is something I worry of.