Actual Physiological Events.

Actual Physiological Events.


This topic has been an issue with many of us,
and the following post are my attemps to help me with understanding.

Is our genetic make-up, genetical development in our genes from birth have an effect on our sexuality?

To a point, like getting sexual body parts,
but how I use my sexual body part, I feel is something I learned from experiences and attitudes which can reinforce one's sense of self, male sexual being.

Clear implications are that a man's childhood experience could have a powerful effect in dettermining his means of sexual experession as an adult, sexual stimuli, a compelling stimulus for an adult now, are similar effects of an first time sexual experience, my first erection, my first sexual contact, or my first sexual orgasm, actual physiological events, various sights and sounds present at the first crucial monent become an imprint for later turn-ons as an adult.

With this awareness I wouldn't let complacancy or a learned disfunction from a childhood sexual abuse, cause me to be afraid, or complicate my life, because as a child I may have been a victim but now I'm a survivor.

fmighell Anc Ak
I gave up sex with women in 1984. I was 38 years old. That was 18 years ago. I have a stack of adult magazines and lubricant. And no,I'm not a misogynist. With me it was mother/son incest over forty years ago. And now I find illusion immensely gratifying,versus reality. The pain became too much. I will be hurt no longer. Let Them have their world. I will have mine. Who is to say which is better..??
i can relate, tho im only 22. ive always been what you call and asexual being, however about 5 years ago i once had little involvement with sexual relations. now its been 4 and a half year. i quit because the thought repulses me. i think it base and animalistic, not to mention a total waste of time. it quite easy for me to feel this way. but then again i believe all the medications ive been on also attribute to my asexual stand-point. oh yeah, maybe some of you might find this of interest or not, but i figure ill just mention this about me. currently, -and for over a year not ive been an in-patient at psychiatric facilities both in oregon and new york so....thats me....
Genetic vs Environmental is really a very old topic. Are we stuck with what we are born with or do we have a hand in our own evolution? Personally, i think genes are just the blueprints, they change over time, and i think we consciecely manipulate thier development in a way we cant yet understand. I dont think anybody has a gentic predisposition towards anything but the most basic behaviors. If anything, its a gudeline for more advanced behavior.

This is really just another branch off of behavior vs environment, which is just the twenty first century equivilent of predestination vs self realization.

What it really comes down to is asking, why do we do what we do? Why are we capable of such horrible cruelty? But life isnt so much the answers to your questions as the questions you choose to ask. Sometimes we just have to accept things as they are for now. Instead of asking why, ask why not? Why does this hurt me? Does it have to? What can i do to change it?

Maybe i read too much into these kind of things, but thats my two cents. Life is good and bad, its not really whole unless you have both. Its hard to explain, but i think if all we had was good things, life would feel really hollow. Happiness really isnt worth anything without sacrifice.

Well thats it, if i rambled it was just an exuse to get away from it for a while, so i hope you'll forgive me :)
I think that we'll eventually conclude that genetics play a part,larger than we've thought. I agree with gays that it's primarily genetic. Some lesbians physically look like men. Some male homosexuals look like women. This is beyond dress & mannerisms. It's physical. I believ genetics play a major part in regards to religious fervency. Some people go nuts over it,others don't. Just my opinion but I think that at least some child molesters are genetically inclined towards the compulsion. With the ongoing research into genetic manipulation,it might be possible eventually to put a hault to what are construed in today's World as anti-social activities..
We are a very long way off being able to determine the balance between genetics and environment in determining sexuality. Also, the balance will be different in different people.

The suggestion that homosexuality is primarily genetic because a proportion of gays and lesbians look like the opposite gender is not reasonable. You could also say that it is more likely to be environmental because they were treated more like the opposite gender by family and friends because of their appearance and that that treatment led them into being homosexual.

The real step forward will be when people accept that the cause does not matter. What matters is to treat people with respect based upon their situation.

fenics - YES I agree. What I do not understand is why the hell do others who are in "contril" don't agree with this thought. Maybe they would loose too much money. bos