Abuse vs abuse

Abuse vs abuse


For anyone who had been both physically and sexually abused, do you feel like one was worse than the other? Or do you feel like one effected you more than the other? Was one harder to deal with?
I've been both, beaten by my Dad and sexually molester by a perp. The beatings taught me to shut up about being abused and put a "everything is normal" face on the terror I felt and probably contributed to my shutting up and feeling no one will believe me when I was sexually abused. Which is worse? It's like would you rather get hit by a train or a car. It doesn't matter which is worse, you have to heal from both.


the physical abuse was caused by bullying after school, but hey, you are missing something.
I was mentally abused by my older brother, who called me anything but good.

Wow! You cannot even perceive the hurt he did to me, and I spent loads of effort repairing the damage he did.

Kids would say, hey your big brother goes to the same school, and I would say, I dont need to mention him.

He told all his friends that I was funny and stupid, queer and stuff, that really hurt, but his friends tended to like me more than him.

The sexual abuse is nothing to what you have to put up with being different, believe me,

I have had both them. I think only is different, the physical, there is the physical scars, the sexual, more is mental. The episode which most give to me nightmares or flashbacks, it was some of both. I am not sure it, I could explain one is more effect at me than other. And with all it, there was verbal assaults also.

just my own personal experience...

5 years of sexual abuse from an Uncle between the ages of 4 and 9

18+ years of physical and mental abuse from my mom

I honestly can't say which is worse for me - I can say that I endured the physical/mental abuse longer and it started before the sexual abuse so perhaps that set me up for her brother to get to me so easily... - both have created major problems in my life - both are things that I have to deal with every day...

this site has been extremely helpfull in helping me overcome some of the effects of the sexual abuse - but hav'nt found any sites that really deal with physical and mental abuse of men...

TJ jeff