Abuse or childhood play? (TRIGGERS)
I was going to post this as a reply to Mickey but as it got very long and has some triggers I decided to open a new topic.
I deal with very similar questions. I was about six years old, maybe younger, when I was abused by my brother who is seven years older than me. The abuse went on for a while but I can't remember for how long. I actually have no memories of my childhood before the age of seven, except for the abusive moments with my brother. I have three older brothers and I remember being very scared of my eldest brother (who is about 20 years older than me). I remember hiding from him under the piano. Sometimes I wonder if there is more to my SA history than I can actually remember now.
I remember that the thing with my brother #3 went on for a while, and I remember that after some time I would be the one who would ask for it. My sexuality no doubt was "awaken" too early. I remember feeling horny and asking him to "play" with me.
My parents were getting divorced around the same time. My father left us. My brother was probably my only source of male love for a long time. He would take care of me, play with me, read for me, teach me fascinating things, take me to places. He was my hero. I know that he was also very young (13-14 years old) and I am sure he had no concept of the damage he was causing to my life. (I believe that even today he does not have a clue that I deal with these issues.) Can he be held responsible for his acts? To a certain extent yes. I am sure he knew that what he was doing was wrong! But I doubt he knew he was committing a crime. I love my brother. I always did and I still do. I can't get angry at him. It is so hard to see him as a perp, as a criminal, as someone that I should hate.
“Does it matter now?” is part of my question. It probably does because part of the burden I carry now is trying to understand how significant that event was in my life, what damage did it cause. I need to have that realization so that I can put the right address on the issues I am dealing with now, hoping that understanding the WHYS of certain things -- such as why I feel I have a hole in my soul, why I feel miserable when life is beautiful, why I am addicted to gay porn when I love my wife, why I feel like shit when everyone around me says I am great, why I have to smile to people even if they are being rude to me, why I can't say no to people, and so many other whys -- will help me find ways to solve some of my problems, to live a happier life, to stop suffering, to maximize the contribution I can perhaps make in this world.
I have spoken with some relatives and friends about the abuse and they all tell me to forget and forgive, that my brother was also very young and did not know what he was doing. One of my therapists said that what happened was normal childhood play, kids discovering sexuality. Well, these responses only make me feel that I need to find a different address to the WHYs I listed above. If what happened was not really "abuse" then why do I hurt? I need to find the answer to that, and of course, more important than knowing why I hurt is knowing how I can heal the wound. That is the essential question but I guess I need to understand a lot of things before getting to that, and perhaps understanding these things in itself will help alleviate the pain.
I am sorry for this long message. And I thank you guys for being there and for listening to me. For the first time am I meeting people who really understand what I am talking about. And some of you, even better than I do.
I deal with very similar questions. I was about six years old, maybe younger, when I was abused by my brother who is seven years older than me. The abuse went on for a while but I can't remember for how long. I actually have no memories of my childhood before the age of seven, except for the abusive moments with my brother. I have three older brothers and I remember being very scared of my eldest brother (who is about 20 years older than me). I remember hiding from him under the piano. Sometimes I wonder if there is more to my SA history than I can actually remember now.
I remember that the thing with my brother #3 went on for a while, and I remember that after some time I would be the one who would ask for it. My sexuality no doubt was "awaken" too early. I remember feeling horny and asking him to "play" with me.
My parents were getting divorced around the same time. My father left us. My brother was probably my only source of male love for a long time. He would take care of me, play with me, read for me, teach me fascinating things, take me to places. He was my hero. I know that he was also very young (13-14 years old) and I am sure he had no concept of the damage he was causing to my life. (I believe that even today he does not have a clue that I deal with these issues.) Can he be held responsible for his acts? To a certain extent yes. I am sure he knew that what he was doing was wrong! But I doubt he knew he was committing a crime. I love my brother. I always did and I still do. I can't get angry at him. It is so hard to see him as a perp, as a criminal, as someone that I should hate.
“Does it matter now?” is part of my question. It probably does because part of the burden I carry now is trying to understand how significant that event was in my life, what damage did it cause. I need to have that realization so that I can put the right address on the issues I am dealing with now, hoping that understanding the WHYS of certain things -- such as why I feel I have a hole in my soul, why I feel miserable when life is beautiful, why I am addicted to gay porn when I love my wife, why I feel like shit when everyone around me says I am great, why I have to smile to people even if they are being rude to me, why I can't say no to people, and so many other whys -- will help me find ways to solve some of my problems, to live a happier life, to stop suffering, to maximize the contribution I can perhaps make in this world.
I have spoken with some relatives and friends about the abuse and they all tell me to forget and forgive, that my brother was also very young and did not know what he was doing. One of my therapists said that what happened was normal childhood play, kids discovering sexuality. Well, these responses only make me feel that I need to find a different address to the WHYs I listed above. If what happened was not really "abuse" then why do I hurt? I need to find the answer to that, and of course, more important than knowing why I hurt is knowing how I can heal the wound. That is the essential question but I guess I need to understand a lot of things before getting to that, and perhaps understanding these things in itself will help alleviate the pain.
I am sorry for this long message. And I thank you guys for being there and for listening to me. For the first time am I meeting people who really understand what I am talking about. And some of you, even better than I do.