A victory for me
The effects of being sexually abused as a teenager still continue long after arriving at adulthood.
Even during and after much therapy and recovery work, it seems there are always new areas coming up where I see how the circumstances of the abuse cast an influence on how I live my life.
I suppose it is because I am now recovered enough that I insist on having a full life and enjoying it as much as possible, that I keep running into (and sometimes tripping over!) injured parts of my psyche that I must heal in order to continue.
One of the big ones for me has always been work. Associated with that of course comes the idea of money and being self-supporting.
The man who sexually abused me did so under the guise of providing me with food and shelter. Also I was trained to rely on him for emotional and spiritual help.
For so many years, i made the same bad decisions based on those long ago experiences. I always chose sex partners who were older and more estabished financially than me. I had trouble making my own way, struggling financially.
I slept with the boss whenever possible in order to insure that my positiion was secure. Using sex as a way of fighting off the nagging insecurity I felt was a way of life for me. I never gave it a second thought, though it caused me lots of troubles.
I have worked a lot on the dynamic of me being the employee. I have made lots of wonderful progress. Thank God! The last time I engaged in the old type of behavior it nearly cost me my life.
Now, I own my own business. And the same problem has shown up again, but from the opposite angle. I have an incredible difficulty having people work for me. I won't go into all the details, but let me just say that the last three men I hired, two have gone back to jail and the third just quit because of legal problems.
Also, I seem to have a deep fear of being the "boss", of being in control of another persons life. I suppose it could be that same fear of me becoming the oppressor/tyrant/abuser/boss. I'm not sure and I know that I will continue to work my way through the emotional and psychological factors that give rise to my employee difficulties.
But in the meantime, I have a very busy business and I have been trying to do all the work myself and it is about to kill me.
My therapist, shrink and I agreed that the important thing now is for me to take the steps necessary to get some help with all of this work. Otherwise, I will end up exhausted, broke, disgusted with myself and disappointed.
So today I did it! I have hired a very reliable carpenter to help me with my building projects. He has worked for both of my neighbors and has done well for them.
And then the real victory for me happened when we went to the Home Depot. (Imagine a miracle at Home Depot.
After purchasing the lumber needed, on the spur of the moment I stopped and hired one of the day laborers in the parking lot. He's now out back doing some serious cleaning, raking and all that back breaking work that I haven't had time to do.
And I am taking care not to go overboard on making commitment for more work until I see how he does today.
Also I made sure to speak to him in his native tongue, Spanish, and let him know that he only had to ask if he needed anything--water, bathroom, more tools, help etc.
I know this may sound strange, but I really feel like this is a victory for me and what I really, really needed. I work every day until way after dark, sometimes bringing my bulbs in the house after dark to prepare them for planting.
I've got about 5,000 tulips in bloom now that need to be harvested, cleaned and sold. I've got about 15,000 more that need to be planted and more on the way from Holland.
So you can see that I really do need some help. And because my need is so great, it makes it easy for me to see that the psychological and emotional barriers that prevent me from getting the assistance required are really very powerful forces.
With help and persistence, I have overcome those forces today to my own benefit.
It makes me so happy that I don't have to do ALL the work by myself that I wanted to come here and tell you all about it.
There is hope for recovering from the effects of male sexual abuse. It isn't always immediate, but with help, I believe I can continue to grow and live a fulfilled life regardless of the damage that was done to me by the man who abused me.
Thanks to all who come here seeking health, happiness and recovery. I could not do this without all of you! Hooray for us!!!!
Even during and after much therapy and recovery work, it seems there are always new areas coming up where I see how the circumstances of the abuse cast an influence on how I live my life.
I suppose it is because I am now recovered enough that I insist on having a full life and enjoying it as much as possible, that I keep running into (and sometimes tripping over!) injured parts of my psyche that I must heal in order to continue.
One of the big ones for me has always been work. Associated with that of course comes the idea of money and being self-supporting.
The man who sexually abused me did so under the guise of providing me with food and shelter. Also I was trained to rely on him for emotional and spiritual help.
For so many years, i made the same bad decisions based on those long ago experiences. I always chose sex partners who were older and more estabished financially than me. I had trouble making my own way, struggling financially.
I slept with the boss whenever possible in order to insure that my positiion was secure. Using sex as a way of fighting off the nagging insecurity I felt was a way of life for me. I never gave it a second thought, though it caused me lots of troubles.
I have worked a lot on the dynamic of me being the employee. I have made lots of wonderful progress. Thank God! The last time I engaged in the old type of behavior it nearly cost me my life.
Now, I own my own business. And the same problem has shown up again, but from the opposite angle. I have an incredible difficulty having people work for me. I won't go into all the details, but let me just say that the last three men I hired, two have gone back to jail and the third just quit because of legal problems.
Also, I seem to have a deep fear of being the "boss", of being in control of another persons life. I suppose it could be that same fear of me becoming the oppressor/tyrant/abuser/boss. I'm not sure and I know that I will continue to work my way through the emotional and psychological factors that give rise to my employee difficulties.
But in the meantime, I have a very busy business and I have been trying to do all the work myself and it is about to kill me.
My therapist, shrink and I agreed that the important thing now is for me to take the steps necessary to get some help with all of this work. Otherwise, I will end up exhausted, broke, disgusted with myself and disappointed.
So today I did it! I have hired a very reliable carpenter to help me with my building projects. He has worked for both of my neighbors and has done well for them.
And then the real victory for me happened when we went to the Home Depot. (Imagine a miracle at Home Depot.
After purchasing the lumber needed, on the spur of the moment I stopped and hired one of the day laborers in the parking lot. He's now out back doing some serious cleaning, raking and all that back breaking work that I haven't had time to do.
And I am taking care not to go overboard on making commitment for more work until I see how he does today.
Also I made sure to speak to him in his native tongue, Spanish, and let him know that he only had to ask if he needed anything--water, bathroom, more tools, help etc.
I know this may sound strange, but I really feel like this is a victory for me and what I really, really needed. I work every day until way after dark, sometimes bringing my bulbs in the house after dark to prepare them for planting.
I've got about 5,000 tulips in bloom now that need to be harvested, cleaned and sold. I've got about 15,000 more that need to be planted and more on the way from Holland.
So you can see that I really do need some help. And because my need is so great, it makes it easy for me to see that the psychological and emotional barriers that prevent me from getting the assistance required are really very powerful forces.
With help and persistence, I have overcome those forces today to my own benefit.
It makes me so happy that I don't have to do ALL the work by myself that I wanted to come here and tell you all about it.
There is hope for recovering from the effects of male sexual abuse. It isn't always immediate, but with help, I believe I can continue to grow and live a fulfilled life regardless of the damage that was done to me by the man who abused me.
Thanks to all who come here seeking health, happiness and recovery. I could not do this without all of you! Hooray for us!!!!