A Thought for Empowering Children

A Thought for Empowering Children
Im becoming quite vocal on the topic of childhood sexual abuse. I have been wearing a wristband since early February that says, Break the Silence. This wristband has been quite a conversation starter. A friend of mine and I bought a hundred wristbands and I have been giving them away to others who are interested in also speaking out against CSA and other forms of sexual abuse.

One of the nurses I work with asked me if she could have one and of course I was glad to give it to her. The next day, I saw her seven-year-old granddaughter wearing it around her ankle. I must tell you here that this little girl is herself a survivor of CSA. Anyway, she came to me and showed me the band on her ankle and said. Darrel, it is too big and fell off my hand all the time so I put it on my foot. But if those guys come back, they will know that I will tell.

I must tell you that I was quite surprised. I had never thought of using wristbands in that way. I asked the little girls grandmother about it and she said that all she had done was to tell her what the band was for and that her granddaughter had come up with the idea of using it to warn would be perps all on her own.

So anyway, the grandmother and I talked quite a bit today and came up with the idea of child sized wristbands that say something like I will tell, or I keep no secrets.

As a society, we have been trying to teach kids for years how to protect themselves from would be perps. Dont talk to strangers; dont accept candy from strangers; bla bla bla. What would be wrong with teaching children that we expect them to tell? Do you think that giving them a wristband would let a child know that they would be believed if they told? Do you think a perp would think again before he or she touched a child wearing such a wristband?

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Love ya.

Darrel, that is quite a gift you gave that little girl. You have given her a token that tells her that not all grown ups are going to hurt her, and that is huge.

I love the idea of those wristbands. I don't think a perp will stop for a second if he sees a kid wearing one, however I think if there are kids wearing them, it will raise awareness of the issue to not just other kids, but to all the adults who see the kids wearing the wristbands. For better or for worse, I think children are in the front line of the war against the perps, and they need anything we can give them to help them in their struggle. It would be awfully hard for teachers, parents and the media to ignore those purple wristbands if enough kids got their hands on one.

I will tell, or I keep no secrets.
The latter sounds good to me.

Unfortunately, it is society itself that needs a kick up the ass.

Abused kids are generally the result of broken relationships and other dysfunction in life.

There is a problem, but we need to get to the root of the problem in order to solve it, sadly I can never see that happening,


I rather like this idea. It links up with something I have in mind to post about, and that's the way in which society tries to protect kids from the idea of the dangerous adult. We really do have to warn kids these days that there is such a thing as "bad touching" and they actually can say no to adults who come onto them in this way.

Much love,

I am quite pleased with this Idea. Not sure how to implement it on a wide scale, but one could start with the local TV morning variety shows perhaps.

Get the right people involved and it could take off...

Lots of love,


I like the idea a lot. It is great that she came up with that herself. Thanks for the wristbands you gave me today. I will wear mine and be Silent no More!

I like that idea. It doesn't feel like it's okay to tell. It would be good to make kids feel like it's okay to tell because it's hard to believe that adults will listen.
i think thats a really really really really good idea.

anddd where can i get one of those "break the silence" wrist bands?!?!
Hey Darrel (and John, WalkingSouth) for your reply:

I am quite pleased with this Idea. Not sure how to implement it on a wide scale, but one could start with the local TV morning variety shows perhaps.

Get the right people involved and it could take off...
Great idea.

Darrel, as you said youve become more active in speaking out about CSA. Feeling really brave? You (or somebody else if youre not there yet) couldwait for it.

Contact Oprah.

This could rock on her show and touch a nation and the whole world. This could literally change the lives of millions of kids!!!!

Funny you should mention Oprah. Go to her home page at this link. Oprah Down in the lower left cornor of the page you will see a link called "Oprah's Child Predator Watch List. Click on it. Then click on the "Profiles of the Accused" tab. There you will see pictures of 13 perps. The ninth one from the left, the only one with a full beard, was a very good friend of mine when I was a kid. He was abused by the same taxi guy that victimized my brother and me.

I wish I knew where to find him so I could turn him in to the FBI. I was pretty shook up when I found out about him. He is just one more reason to speak out against CSA in any and every way I can.

Love ya


Edited to make link work properly

I must be blind, because I don't see the link you referred to. Maybe they reworked the page...

They did change the page the link above works.

puzzle solved