A Prayer request

A Prayer request


Hello Everyone,

I just found out that my mom is in the hospital with Pancreeitus (sp?). Her name is Sandy, and I could NOT have made it this far in my life if it was NOT for her. Please keep her in your prayers.

Thank you.


If you have any personal expierience with Pancreeitus, please share it with me.
Mike, I will pray that God will help her, my mum is also in hospital with a broken hip, but she seems OK,


I was in the hospital with pancreatitis two years ago.

It is the right place to be for such a condition.

They were able to give me the medicine I needed for the pain, and also to monitor me until I got back to normal.

I was there for two and a half days and came home with no symptoms.

My pancreas has been very normal ever since.

I hope that your mom is feeling better right away.

And I think that she is very fortunate to have a loving son like you. Love can heal what nothing else can.

In the meantime, you be sure to take good care of yourself, OK? It's important to your Mom and everyone else that you be OK too. That's one of the very best things you could probably do for your mom is to make sure that you are feeling all right and getting what you need.

You know how moms tend to worry about us!

Glad you posted about you and your mom. Sounds like you are doing the right things.


PS If you want more details about my experience with my pancreas feel free to ask. Be glad to share what I know. Thanks, D