A Note From a Friend
michael Joseph
Someone posted this in my group at care2.com I thought it was a good message so I put some of it here.
Man is the greatest achievement in all of creation-
Every human being brings together heart, soul, spirit, mind, hope, love-all together in flesh.No other creature can recall the past and look forward to the future as man can-No other creature can see everything around him and yet still aspire to greatness-
No other creature can find joy in the simple things and still find hope in the complex.No other creature is able to think-to plan-to bring plans about they way man does-No other creature can be both saint and sinner-both reveal intelligence and act the fool...
Yes, man is a wounder....
I remember an old story...let me see...
There once was a farmer-a dirt farmer- dirt broke.This is in the long ago days now forgotten by most.There was no modern tools to plow the earth-no tractors.He didn't even have an ox or a mule but he still plowed the field ( by hand-ouch!!! ).The ground was hard-filled with old rocks...The man hated the rocks-They cost him much time and effort( effort that could have been put to better use).As he plowed, he dreamed of better days-a better farm-a better life.
He lived at the cross roads-many people passed his humble farm.As they went, they told stories of great weath-great finds...gold here...silver there-riches to be dug up.The farmer started to dream-dream the dream of great wealth just over the hill...in the next valley..somewhere out there...riches to be had and he wanted them so he sold his farm and off he went...
First here and then there...Every where he went were great weath was said to be there .He would find a something almost every where and turn it into enough cash to live and travel on to the next gold mine...the next silver mine...etc, etc..The years passed:he lived but that was about it...
Now time made him feel old and his mind turned to home.Oh, how the mist of time made that old dirt farm look so good...Oh, how that littel valley now seemed so wounderful...If only, he could go home...see it for one last time...To drink once again from the well in the village...Oh, how sweet it would taste...!!!To set under the old shade tree in the heat of the day...
It was too much.He sold all and turned home..
When he came around the bend looking for the old dirt farm.There he saw a great palace...???What???What happened???He could not belive his eyes...How? Why? When could this have happened...???It was all too much...
He found the man that he had sold the land...He said, " What happened to my dirt farm???How ???
The new owner smiled and said, " I like you hated the rocks..I like you had many bad years until one day,I took those old rocks to town to see what these foolish thing where and I found out they where Diamonds and the rest is history...
The farmer did not know what was beneath his feet.He did not take the time-He had all that he need all the time right where he was...
Remember that when you look at the people that are in your life. It is to easy to over look them-It is easy not to take the time or make the effort to understand...But these are the diamonds in your life.Yes, difficult at times...Yes, confused and confusing at times...Yes, needing...Yes, in their own way...Yes, too smart and too stupid at the same time for their own good.When the are polished they will shine.When polised their value will be more than you can believe or hope...
It is easy to say,"Oh, that just...or you know so and so...or they will never change..etc,etc,and etc...
People mean more than what they look like...they are more than just an age-too old or too young.(an aside: When I was young, I always was too young-too young to do this...too young to do that, go here...go there or be this and the one day, I was too old...What happened to just right.I never did seem to find the happy land of just right)
They mean more than a race...more than a gender...more than gay vs straight...more than man vs women...more than rich, poor, and middel class..
Did you ever see two blind people in love?How did they fall in love-they can't see? No they can't see what we can see but they can see what we can't see...
You see we are blinded by the seeing...Wow, she is nice looking..Oh,boy -he is so cute.Perhaps that why there is a 50% divorce rate...looks do not last.Perhaps, blind people take the time to see into the heart since they can see the face-they have to go deeper.
Please try and see beyond the flesh...You may find a lost gold mine...You may find a field of diamonds..Do it-It won't hurt.
There is a lot here to think about. How do we treat others or thing about others before we even meet them? I really liked this story and hope some of you guys like it too.
Hug to all !!!!!!!!!!!!
Man is the greatest achievement in all of creation-
Every human being brings together heart, soul, spirit, mind, hope, love-all together in flesh.No other creature can recall the past and look forward to the future as man can-No other creature can see everything around him and yet still aspire to greatness-
No other creature can find joy in the simple things and still find hope in the complex.No other creature is able to think-to plan-to bring plans about they way man does-No other creature can be both saint and sinner-both reveal intelligence and act the fool...
Yes, man is a wounder....
I remember an old story...let me see...
There once was a farmer-a dirt farmer- dirt broke.This is in the long ago days now forgotten by most.There was no modern tools to plow the earth-no tractors.He didn't even have an ox or a mule but he still plowed the field ( by hand-ouch!!! ).The ground was hard-filled with old rocks...The man hated the rocks-They cost him much time and effort( effort that could have been put to better use).As he plowed, he dreamed of better days-a better farm-a better life.
He lived at the cross roads-many people passed his humble farm.As they went, they told stories of great weath-great finds...gold here...silver there-riches to be dug up.The farmer started to dream-dream the dream of great wealth just over the hill...in the next valley..somewhere out there...riches to be had and he wanted them so he sold his farm and off he went...
First here and then there...Every where he went were great weath was said to be there .He would find a something almost every where and turn it into enough cash to live and travel on to the next gold mine...the next silver mine...etc, etc..The years passed:he lived but that was about it...
Now time made him feel old and his mind turned to home.Oh, how the mist of time made that old dirt farm look so good...Oh, how that littel valley now seemed so wounderful...If only, he could go home...see it for one last time...To drink once again from the well in the village...Oh, how sweet it would taste...!!!To set under the old shade tree in the heat of the day...
It was too much.He sold all and turned home..
When he came around the bend looking for the old dirt farm.There he saw a great palace...???What???What happened???He could not belive his eyes...How? Why? When could this have happened...???It was all too much...
He found the man that he had sold the land...He said, " What happened to my dirt farm???How ???
The new owner smiled and said, " I like you hated the rocks..I like you had many bad years until one day,I took those old rocks to town to see what these foolish thing where and I found out they where Diamonds and the rest is history...
The farmer did not know what was beneath his feet.He did not take the time-He had all that he need all the time right where he was...
Remember that when you look at the people that are in your life. It is to easy to over look them-It is easy not to take the time or make the effort to understand...But these are the diamonds in your life.Yes, difficult at times...Yes, confused and confusing at times...Yes, needing...Yes, in their own way...Yes, too smart and too stupid at the same time for their own good.When the are polished they will shine.When polised their value will be more than you can believe or hope...
It is easy to say,"Oh, that just...or you know so and so...or they will never change..etc,etc,and etc...
People mean more than what they look like...they are more than just an age-too old or too young.(an aside: When I was young, I always was too young-too young to do this...too young to do that, go here...go there or be this and the one day, I was too old...What happened to just right.I never did seem to find the happy land of just right)
They mean more than a race...more than a gender...more than gay vs straight...more than man vs women...more than rich, poor, and middel class..
Did you ever see two blind people in love?How did they fall in love-they can't see? No they can't see what we can see but they can see what we can't see...
You see we are blinded by the seeing...Wow, she is nice looking..Oh,boy -he is so cute.Perhaps that why there is a 50% divorce rate...looks do not last.Perhaps, blind people take the time to see into the heart since they can see the face-they have to go deeper.
Please try and see beyond the flesh...You may find a lost gold mine...You may find a field of diamonds..Do it-It won't hurt.
There is a lot here to think about. How do we treat others or thing about others before we even meet them? I really liked this story and hope some of you guys like it too.
Hug to all !!!!!!!!!!!!