a interesting personal view on things my life and others'

a interesting personal view on things my life and others'


i used to feel an alien

and now -

i lay there in bed - exhausted for taking care of things the way i am - really trying to do well to my healthy - physically -

yet - not able to sleep - so well -

and yet - i thought - at times - how it's like i need to block out the world - or have needed

to feel a sense of self -

and yet when putthing my mind to the external -

felt so driven to get out !

i really think though trying to tie in

this view - of what i have in common

with the folks - out there -

is that we are all taking care of our lives -

in some way or another -

people busy at their shops - their jobs -

their study

or like me - i was not feeling so well -

so taking care right now -

meant a good - lie down - to take care of

my physical and mental health - just in

this way for the moment -

i hope you are having a good day -

taking care of your lives -

it is sad to me that we are not in the same

village - but

this place is pretty darn good at second best
