A Huge Victory

A Huge Victory

Mike Church

You all know Leosha and his Friend Andrei. Well I have some news about Andrei that will make you sit up and take notice.

Andrei was at a competition last weekend and one of his abusers came up and touched him and referred to him as a ___________boy.

Andrei turned to him and said. "I was a boy then. Now I am a man and it is over. Dont ever touch me or talk to me again" . The shit head looked at Andrei for a few moments, never said and word and finally walked away.

I just wanted you all to know that Andrei is taking his life back and should be an insperation to all.
Awesome report.Hopefully we will all be there soon.
I ment to be going back home in April! So I think its time for a time to Dance of the bastard Grave!!

(I've not been back there since they put him in the dirt!)
Great news, Mike!

I'm gonna e-mail Leo right now.

Now is the time on Malesurvivor when we dance! :D


Dead or not, it doesn't matter to me. I'm making a head start on some of these @$$holes!

Peace and love to the survivors!

Just to add, with the 'standing up for himself', we have perhaps created a monster here! Shortly after that incident, when the man walked by who abused both of us, he made a comment to us (I am not even sure what it was, I was preparing to rip his head off if necessary). Andrei didn't even turn his head, just said 'F*ck off old man' and kept walking. I just about choked, and the other person with us, I think she was about to have an attack! It is interesting, that this boy who is always so worried about being 'respectful' to people would actually do this.


You said
we have perhaps created a monster here!
"Monster" comes from a Latin root, "monere, to warn."

So the perp has been warned. If he has any sense in his head, he will heed the warning.


Way to go Andrei, no need to take shit from that, what was that word, oh yeah, asyol.
It is interesting, that this boy who is always so worried about being 'respectful' to people would actually do this.
That person deserves no respect.

Take care and good luck,
Leosha -

the way I see it, Andrei was being respectful, but to the right people - Leosha and Andrei!

The 'old man' does not deserve respect, so therefore I think that Andrei was not in the least disrespectful.

Well done Andrei!

Best wishes Rik.