a good moment
I want to share something that happened yesterday in my session with my T.
At the end of the session, after having talked some of the progress I have made, I likened my present position to being on a steppingstone at the edge of a rapidly flowing stream.
I think I can see the next stone and think I should leap to it, but I am scared. I fear I will slip and be swept away by the stream or, if I manage to hold my balance on the new stone that I will only see another and another and another, each requiring a similar leap.
My T told me that she wants me to stay on the stone I am on for a while and (this is the big thing for me) she wants to stand there with me.
That was an extremely moving moment as I don't recall anyone ever having said anything like that or convincing me that they are actually standing there with me.
I've experienced deep feelings of isolation and loneliness over the years. To finally find a T who sees her role as accompanying me on the journey for however long it takes is an extraordinary experience.
I know that I am very fortunate and am grateful for that.
At the end of the session, after having talked some of the progress I have made, I likened my present position to being on a steppingstone at the edge of a rapidly flowing stream.
I think I can see the next stone and think I should leap to it, but I am scared. I fear I will slip and be swept away by the stream or, if I manage to hold my balance on the new stone that I will only see another and another and another, each requiring a similar leap.
My T told me that she wants me to stay on the stone I am on for a while and (this is the big thing for me) she wants to stand there with me.
That was an extremely moving moment as I don't recall anyone ever having said anything like that or convincing me that they are actually standing there with me.
I've experienced deep feelings of isolation and loneliness over the years. To finally find a T who sees her role as accompanying me on the journey for however long it takes is an extraordinary experience.
I know that I am very fortunate and am grateful for that.