A Good Cry

A Good Cry


Thank you Lion Cub Thank You so very much. Talken with you in the chat room tonight has sent me on an hour long good cry.
A cry of joy and hope. Yes a cry of joy because you have found the way to deal with this now at the age of 16 rather than hiding in the silence for another 20 or 30 years .Many of us here have waited way too long to deal with our abuse.
A cry of hope because i know we will be able to help so many more victims become survivors in the months ahead.
At the survivors charity / therapy place I help at we seem to get young girls, 16 to 25, and older men, 35 to 45.

It must be the depth of shame and guilt we feel I suppose.

And although it's heartbreaking to see 16 yo girls trembling through the door for the first time it's also so rewarding to think they are getting help at the right time.

Society MUST do something to educate young men as to the help available, as well as the possible consequences of hanging onto this secret for so long. Perhaps we should all bang our drums a bit louder, and a few heads at the same time ?

It's so good to hear about young men seeking help, but it's all to rare.
