A Declaration

A Declaration


Okay, guys, here goes. I just came back from my shrink and I have the courage to do this now I think. Thank you, Roland.

When I first came on here I thought I had found heaven. All of you were like me...different certainly, but like me in so many ways. You understood me and for the first time in my life I had found a group of men I could identify with. MEN! MEN! You were men and I could identify with you and I wasn't afraid of you and you were kind and tender and supportive and you were something I had never known in my whole life.

I made up my mind right then that I could be myself here...whoever that turned out to be. In fact, I decided to find out just who I was here.
I realeased a part of myself that had been pent up for years....since I was five or six...a part of myself that I thought might have been the most important part of myself if the SA hadn't happened. It was full of everything that I was not: zeal and feelings and anguish and love... and when it came on here what it wrote was its truth whether happy or sad. I looked at it in amazement everytime it wrote. I joined it and became one with it sometimes and I let it fly.

In the back of my mind I had the feeling that perhaps it was a bit over the top emotionally, but it was honestly and over the top, and honest was what I was going to be come hell or high water.

In my poetry, I let my anguish flow. God, that felt good...just to put it out there and say, "This is how I have felt forever." And I love to write, so this place became my passion.

I learned to love all the little boys who had suffered here and every time I read one of their stories I wanted to reach into the computer and pick them up and hug them and make it better and I cried when the stories were so terrible and I could do nothing to help. I still do.

Some of you have said such beautiful things to me that I will never look at life the same again because of them (thank you, Jake).

And then I shut down. I always shut down. I always become afraid. Is it the SA and my inner child or is it just my basic personality? I don't know.

You are men. I have shown you too much of myself. You will disapprove of who I am. My posts were too long and too emotional. Bobby was too much. He wrote too much. Everyone is sick of him. It wasn't your fault. No one said anything to me. Everyone was still kind and supportive...unbelievably so. But it was time for me to self destruct. If someone didn't comment on a post, it was because the post was bad and I had said the wrong thing or said it the wrong way or they were just tired of reading them

I still talked to guys who posted, but now mostly in private messages, especially if I had a lot to say. It was easier to do it that way. Besides it was the individual I wanted to talk to anyway.

I knew it was all crazy and that I was having this dialog with myself and it was me that was criticizing me and saying all those things to me before anyone else had a chance to. But that didn't matter. I was shrinking right back down into that hole that I was just starting to emerge from...and I didn't know what to do about it.

The last thing I wanted to do was to talk about it on here and do the "poor little Bobby" syndrome, where I try to get everyone to say, "No, Bobby, everything is really all right." I really don't want that...really. But on the other hand, what I see in my head is all of you with baseball bats getting ready to beat me with them. I am a little kid and you are going to beat me...maybe kill me. You all have "his" eyes.

So, is this part of the abuse? Where does it come from? Does it matter where it comes from? This may be my last chance to get over it. So here it is.

I'm going to continue to write. I have to. I have to say what I have to say and I have to say it anyway it comes out. I gotta be that person. I can't stay in there. I can't retreat. I gotta be strong. I don't want pity. Or help. or compassion....and yet I do....want compassion. not pity. I never give pity here...ever.

I have to picture myself as this giant of a person, towering over you....invincible. You can't hurt me. You can't beat me with bats. You can't hold me down and do horrible things to me. You can't defeat me. You can't drive me back down again, because if you drive me back down again, I truly will never come back up. It will be the last time.

Do you understand? I can't care about what you think. I can't. There's too much riding on it. Too much.

And, God, this is gonna be tough for me. Really tough. Because that inner child is absolutely scared to death. You're men, damn you, and men hurt me and men are dangerous and I want to hide from you. And even as I type this I am holding my head way down and looking at the computer out of the top of my eyes, so I can't see you all standing there ready to get me.

And that's it. That's all. And I love you, I really do, but you scare me to death. But I'm going to get over that, if it kills me.

Now my arms are beginning to tighten up and to physically hurt to write this and I'm beginning to think about how absolutely nuts I am and worry about what you will think of this post.....if you're not so tired of me that you bothered to read it.



god, that was hard
Bobby, where would this place be without him?
He rants and vents, but hey, this is good that he can do it, I bottle most of it up.

I too would love to see all the little boys, inside of the men that were hurt, I am sure they were/are, all beautiful inside.

I too would love to be able to protect all little boys from these horrors, but sadly it is not to be, so I ask God to try and help them anyway he can.

The last thing I wanted to do was to talk about it on here and do the "poor little Bobby" syndrome, where I try to get everyone to say, "No, Bobby, everything is really all right." I really don't want that...really. But on the other hand, what I see in my head is all of you with baseball bats getting ready to beat me with them. I am a little kid and you are going to beat me...maybe kill me. You all have "his" eyes.
Let Bobby talk, he hasn't been able to talk for so many years, he is in there and he wants to talk.
I too think of the poor little ste syndrome, I too don't want sympathy or sorrow, just someone to share my past, it is not too much to ask.

You are my brother Bobby, I will listen to you anytime. The baseball bat is the little man in my head who beat me for so many years, me beating myself up, just like you are doing now.

The eyes of hatred, yes, I have them burnt into the back of my psyche, I look at every man I meet to see whether he is one of them, sound familiar?

I think we all do, we find it hard to trust, or think nobody cares, yes, nobody cared for the kid left to fathom life out on his own.

LOCKED IN HIS OWN LITTLE PRISON OF GUILT, SHAME AND ANGER, to name a small percentage of the things he had to go through.

I am always here Bobby, PM me anytime, and I mean it. You are a great man.

You can feel so isolated when nobody seems to reply to your feelings, I do, we all do, but I think we all go through times of not being able to reply to things we read.
Sometimes I am too numb to reply to things I read.

take care, of YOU,

i do know how hard that post was. i have posted similar things as well and each time it was like it was being ripped out of me, but each time enabled me to stand once more. i stand with you, bobby.
You are men. I have shown you too much of myself. You will disapprove of who I am. My posts were too long and too emotional. Bobby was too much. He wrote too much. Everyone is sick of him.... If someone didn't comment on a post, it was because the post was bad and I had said the wrong thing or said it the wrong way or they were just tired of reading them
I had to smile when I read that. I think that every stinkin' time I post anything on this site. Of course, I also think that stuff in real life, too. Did I say the wrong thing? Was I not supposed to post that here? Give me instructions so I can obey them. Which leads to your question.

Is it the SA and my inner child or is it just my basic personality?
Normally, I'd say we have to answer these questions for ourselves, but that one's a no-brainer. It was the SA. We had to take care of ourselves. If somebody had taken care of us, we wouldn't be here, would we? And in a world where my safety depends entirely upon me, and oh yeah, I'm 5 years old or 10 years old or whatever, I think their rejection or abuse of me depends on what I do. If they like what I say, I won't get hurt. If they don't like what I say, or if I say too much, or if I reveal anyfeelings to the perp, they've won. I must have control. And showing "weakness" in front of them is letting them take my control. It's like I refuse to just believe that they were evil people who did evil things to me. That I had nothing to do with it, but was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. For a few years now, I've also carried a note to myself in my pocket that says, "It's not happening now." No matter what my head says, the abuse happened back there, in the past. Anytime I start seeing "those eyes", I pull out my note.

I had a therapist that said that maybe the best way to regain control of my life is to relinquish control in some areas. Sounds goofy. [See, I'm already editorializing my post for you.] If I let other people feel what they want about me while I just be who I am, say how I really feel, feel how I really feel, I'm better. Whether they like or appreciate me is their problem, not mine. The more I think that way, the less the pendulem swings in my share/don't-share world.

Easy to say, not easy to do. I can repeat what I know, but retraining my head is a whole other story.

You just keep being you. And whether we have the emotional strength to reply or not, you've done your work. Good job. And like the others, I care about each and every man who has to go through this hell because of the terrible things that were done to them. I wish I could help, too. Feel good about your post. I know I did. It helps to know someone out there feels like I do.

I think I'll start something here. I'd like to say that I really feel for what ForeverFighting went through. It pains my heart to know what his so-called family did to him. And he has my utmost sympathy for the difficult life he's had since. And maybe if we showed ourselves a little more sympathy, shared a little more of our little ones' sorrow, we would be more able to share it with others.

I know that there are people that judge others by intellect, by money, by muscle.

We are meant to put ourselves somewhere on a scale because of our IQ, ability to buy, ability to pound somone else into the ground.

I cannot buy that - if by some accident we have what are considered virtues, or by a different accident we have none...why is one situation better than the other.

The only line that I draw is 'do as you would be done by'. Hurt if you wish that hurt to be returned to you - if you do not, then give the same consideration to others as you would wish for yourself. *No I am not Alister Crawley.

The other version I suppose is 'what goes around comes around'.

Bobby - you could be me as I found this site, you could be one of many others that found their way here.

What you are really good at is putting everything into words and allowing others to read what you say. Do you realise that by doing this you may give someone else the strength to do the same?

Bobby (and anyone else) - write as much as you like - sometimes when it is written down, and you read it back, things start to gain clarity.

Best wishes ...Rik

Write what you need. It helps, believe me.

And if anyone ever shows up with a baseball bat, there are more brothers who'll show up with Uzis to quiet THEM down.

You're as valid as anyone else, and you DESERVE to be heard as much as anyone else.

Peace and love from someone else who needs to be heard.

hey Bobby,
Take it easy, man
no one is here to judge you and no one's here's gonna.

I know its really tough to feel safe sometimes, even in our own skin. But I think that we are our own worst critics (I kno others said it b4-not trying to steal their Limelight) and so we become the mental tormentor to ourselves. I know that from my own experiences of being hard on myself i will naturaly start denegrating myself unless I stop myself.

And i think it was Scot that said it, keep writing! We will listen, AND give confirmation of that with our replies
so keep it up pal, It seems to be working for me and its a great way to acheive a long needed decompression through expression. There's been too much silence already.

anyway, my 2 cents
BTW, sorry if i lost the objective of your post

Oh! BTW.
I wasn't trying to belittle you or minimize anying you said by saying "take it easy."
I guess its just my way of trying to convey support and reasurement.

Hi Bobby, lets be honest, I look for messages by bobby, not because I like you. I don't think I have met anyone here that I didn't like. No it's because you make me think about things I would rather not think about. Today its PARANOIA and HOMOPHOBIC reactions that I have had on here. A few weeks ago Danny was telling me he thought it would be good for me to discuss them on here. But like always I procrastinated. I think when we first come out about what happened to us we are all some what paranoid. I for one do not hold a bat over your head. Hell, don't tell anyone but I like you and hope that one day we can be friends. That is if you can put up with me. You can read more on that here, https://malesurvivor.org/cgi-local/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=5;t=000320

Well, I got to go, now that I am writing again, I have some more messages to post on.
Bobby what you post is what MS is all about. Unloading, ranting, caring, conforting, seeking comfort, seeking cameraderie, seeking understanding. And I could go on and on.

Dont stop Bobby and for that matter none of you stop. You just never know when a kernal of a post strikes you in a positive way or reassures you or triggers you into action of a good kind.

Yeh some of us get triggered in a scary way but for the most part the person who posts indicates that it may be triggering for some.

You guys are truly the best group of men it has ever been my privilege to know and to share with. I dont know anywhere else that we could possibly find this.