A big empty space
Sitting here I can look up and see the colourful Indian tapestry we bought home from Nevada, an Ansell Adams print of Yosemite Valley, a picture of the house I grew up in, an old poscard showing our house dated 1903 and lots of photographs that I have taken on out travels.
I like walls covered in pictures, especially ones that mean something to me.
And I know I've often mentioned the old newspaper photograph of me, and all my friends, when I was about ten years old.
It's a newspaper picture of a Scout Troup at a Jamboree, and we're all dressed as pirates.
When I found it again about four years ago it struck a chord in me, I looked happy and I was, it was a happy time before the abuse started.
So I put it on the wall, and young David gave me a lot of support.
Last night I took it down ready to take and show the guys in my group, and as I was putting it in an envelope it slipped out of my hand........and in a chance to remote to even think about, it fell into the shredder and went through before I could stop it.
I never believed something that would seemingly be so insignificant normally, could actually be so important.
I keep looking up and he isn't there.
I like walls covered in pictures, especially ones that mean something to me.
And I know I've often mentioned the old newspaper photograph of me, and all my friends, when I was about ten years old.
It's a newspaper picture of a Scout Troup at a Jamboree, and we're all dressed as pirates.
When I found it again about four years ago it struck a chord in me, I looked happy and I was, it was a happy time before the abuse started.
So I put it on the wall, and young David gave me a lot of support.
Last night I took it down ready to take and show the guys in my group, and as I was putting it in an envelope it slipped out of my hand........and in a chance to remote to even think about, it fell into the shredder and went through before I could stop it.
I never believed something that would seemingly be so insignificant normally, could actually be so important.
I keep looking up and he isn't there.