
Hi --

I don't know Pollyanna but I have read her posts. Yes, she has talked a lot about you. She is very proud of you. Glad to meet you, Scotty. I'm glad you decided to visit Male Survivor.

Scotty - Read Pollyanna's posts and responded to them. I hope the advice I/we gave has been helpful for you. WELCOME!!! I am glad you have come to the site and posted. The guys here - of all ages - come here to share, talk, discuss, check out what's happening in their life and other topics and issues we as survivors experience. Everyone here is really neat people and are good supporters and encouragers in abuse recovery. I hope you find and experience the same! As we often let each other know - Scotty, remember you are NOT alone!! Come often, explore the site, read posts and short articles and share as you feel comfortable!!


Great to "meet" you finally.... :D

Pollyanna's great. She saves lives here, man. She did mine. Listen to her when you can (I know it's hard, specially when other people "don't know nothin'! :p ) because she's a fountain of information.

Glad you're here. This place heals. Trust me on this one.

Peace, love, and hello!

Scot :D
Hello Scott!

I have read PollyAnna's posts. It is great to meet you! You guys make me smile! I hope things are going well.

Wishing you the best,
Hello, Scott. Yes, I have read Pollyanna's posts and she's a big contributor here. I welcome you and hope you will find something here that helps you heal yourself.

Hello, and welcome. Pollyanna is a good, wise lady, and I am glad that you have someone as kind as her in your life. I would very much like for a mom-like person as her. I hope that you find yourself comfortable here, and I wish you well.


You're in a good place here, with a bunch of good people. None of us wanted to have to come here, but once we did have to, it was great to find this place.

See the way the folks are welcoming you? That's what this place is all about, helping ourselves by helping each other.

Dig in and help yourself!

Welcome Scotty! feel free to say or to ask anything you need to for us to be of help. But also, tell us what you want to tell us. We can listen well. And here on the forum we can't interrrupt you!!

welcome aboard, I hope we can be of some help to you.

There is so much help and support here, and there's nothing we'd rather do than share it with a brave young man.
